Pondering Tidbits of Truth - October 7, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.




Pope Pius XI

“…if Christ is to reign as King of nations, he must first reign totally as King of individuals…” Christ must reign in our minds - which must assent firmly and submissively to all revealed truth and to all Christ's teachings. He must reign in our wills - which should bow in obedience to God's law and precepts. He must reign in our hearts which turning aside from all natural desires should love God above all things and cling to Him alone. He must reign in our bodies and our members which should serve as instruments of our souls sanctification.”

(From Encyclical - Quas Primas)


Johann Tauler, O.P.

“Dear children, to receive the Sacrament worthily is the best and finest thing that we can do, but to come to it unworthily and unprepared is the most terrible and sorrowful of all things.”

 (From Spiritual Conferences)


Father Jacques Philippe

"By accepting the sufferings ‘offered’ by life and allowed by God for our progress and purification, we spare ourselves much harder ones. We need to develop this kind of realism and, once and for all, stop dreaming of a life without suffering or conflict. That is the life of heaven, not earth. We must take up our cross and follow Christ courageously every day; the bitterness of that cross will sooner or later be transformed into sweetness."

 (From Interior Freedom)



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