The Price For Our Ingratitude

I went to my parish yesterday for morning Mass after having just returned from an extended family visit over Easter. When I arrived, I discovered there would be no weekday Masses as our pastor was on retreat. Good for Father; unfortunate for me. Had I known in advance, I would have attended Mass elsewhere. It was too late to drive to any of the other nearby parishes.

In preparation for Mass today, I read the Gospel (one of my favorite passages) and thought to myself: “How many of us who attend Mass regularly have the same experience the disciples walking on the road to Emmaus had - not recognizing Jesus until the breaking of the bread?” 

I was looking forward to welcoming Jesus into this tarnished unworthy fleshly tabernacle and hearing the morning’s homily. I went to another parish only to find their pastor was also on retreat. I had time to drive to yet another Church – the same result – no priest – no Mass.

In all the years I have lived in this area, there is the very first time that weekday Mass was not available in at least one of these three parishes. What a stark reality check!

Jesus promised that He would remain with us to the end of time. For decades we have had easy and ready access to Him in this country. Despite this great gift, some of us have ignored Him and many others have taken Him and His Presence among us for granted.  
We are about to pay an increasingly steep price for such ingratitude.