Pondering Tidbits of Truth - Volume VI
This book contains 150 informative and challenging quotations of
countless spiritual writers from across the centuries. Just commit to
spending five minutes each day (preferably in the morning) reading,
meditating, and pondering just one of those quotations. What is God
trying to tell you? How will you respond? If you get stuck, you will
find some helpful questions after each quotation to steer you in the
right direction.
Let God speak silently to your heart.
can assure you, in God’s perfect timing, you will recognize that five
minutes will not be enough for your daily conversation with Him. You
will find a way to be with Him for a more extended period of time.
Here are some recent reviews:
“Like having a saint for a
spiritual director. - One of the
luxuries of the Catholic life is having your own spiritual director to
encourage and challenge you; however, with the shortage of priests, it’s just
not possible for most Catholics. Reading the book Pondering Tidbits of Truth
is like meeting with a spiritual director in the comfort of your home. And this
spiritual director has the intelligence of Pope Benedict XVI, the fire of
Venerable Fulton Sheen, the insight of Cardinal Sarah, the courage of Pope Leo
XIII, and the wisdom of many more ancient saints and contemporary theologians.
In this powerful book, Michael
Seagriff has collected 150 quotes from the some of the greatest Catholic minds.
But it’s not just a book that makes us admire the lofty ideas of the saints.
After each quote, Seagriff added questions to challenge readers so that we
examine ourselves and strive to imitate the saints.
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is such an
enjoyable read that I found myself smiling, nodding my head, and writing in the
margin. It’s a book for people at all stages of the faith journey whether
they’re devout or lukewarm, young or old. In fact, reading one tidbit each
night would make a quick but worthwhile addition to family prayer time.
It encourages readers to think
about the critical questions of life such as, “Why did God put me here right
now?” and it also gives concrete ideas for incorporating holy practices
throughout the day.
Seagriff challenges readers to
have a relationship with God, especially the Holy Spirit, Who is so often
overlooked. He also helps readers appreciate the precious gift of Our Lord’s
Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Most urgently, readers consider the
consequences of not knowing, loving, and serving God.
It’s as if Seagriff read many of
the greatest Catholic books and articles, highlighted the best parts, and
served them up for us in an easily digestible way. I enthusiastically recommend
that you savor this smorgasbord of wisdom and share it with others.” Janeen
Zaio award winning Catholic author
“Author, Michael Seagriff, has
created a remarkable work that will significantly impact all who read it. The
book is filled with spiritual treasures that will provide hours of fruitful
contemplation. Moreover, and more importantly, the book creates an avenue of
coming closer to God and seeking His will for one’s life.” – Richard
Fitzgerald, retired History professor
Tidbits of Truth Volume VI is a thought-provoking book filled with short quotes
and questions that will challenge our spirit, help us learn to ask for His
forgiveness, accept His mercy, and receive the power of God’s grace. Thus,
allowing His grace to shine through us. This is another powerful book from
Michael to help us in our faith journey. Additionally, I highly recommend
Michael’s other books, especially I Thirst for Your Love and Stirring
Slumbering Souls. I plan on flipping through
to a page, picking a quote and reading it for my daily meditation.” -
Rosemary Costa
"Michael Seagriff has compiled a
collection of quotations meant to be read prayerfully to nourish the soul. He
has drawn from the wisdom of the saints of the Church to draw us all into an
interior reflection, which leads one to an application within our own lives.
Seagriff has provided time-honored wisdom for our journeys, Pondering
Tidbits of Truth, Volume 6 has been an incredible gift. May our Lord bless
this author’s efforts to draw people close to Him.” - Melanie Von Guten
“This is an amazing book filled
with spiritual quotes that bring you closer to God as you pause and ponder
their meaning. After each of the 150 quotes the author asks though provoking
questions to use as your daily examination of conscience. A brilliant analysis
followed by the model of Ignatian contemplation and spirituality.” Albert Allegue, Author and Lay
"Pondering Tidbits of Truth Volume 6 is
a beautiful collection of challenging quotes from many spiritual writers. This
is an ideal book to take to Adoration, on retreat, or just to have on hand for
meditation/prayer time at home. It will help anyone who wants to grow in their
relationship with God. Highly recommend!" - Ellen
Gable Hrkach, award winning Catholic author, editor and publisher.
“Pondering Tidbits of Truth Volume
6 is an edifying and priceless collection of God’s Truth that was poured
into willing and receptive hearts. Each quote is a handcrafted masterpiece of
our Divine Master. I especially enjoy the “Pause and Ponder” reflection
sections. They guide you into a deeper contemplation of the fruit that was
produced in the souls of the ones who loved Him.” - Patty Sinay
“What a beautiful book!” – Kathleen
"I loved Pondering Tidbits of
Truth, Volume VI. It's a very powerful collection with incredibly profound
meditations and reflections. I loved the diversity of quotations. The "Pause
and Ponder" sections do a great job of synthesizing the quotations into
simple, direct, and actionable considerations. The book is very well done - you
cannot go wrong with the words of the saints! Reading it enriched me
spiritually." - Michael Cassman, copy editor
"Can’t wait to add this book of
reflections to my daily prayer and reflection time. Michael really knows how to
mine these tidbits of truth! I just ordered two copies for our Adoration
Chapel." - Tony Agnesi, Inspirational
Speaker | Best Selling Author | Award-Winning Blogger
You can get a copy here.
Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections
May our loving and waiting Lord use the 250 quotations in
this book to increase belief in, reverence for, devotion to and love of His
Eucharistic Presence, touch lukewarm hearts, stir slumbering souls, and
re-ignite the flame of love for Him that He placed in our hearts the second He
breathed life into them.
Listen to Him speak as you read and ponder these truths.
Take a close look at yourself. Recognize the many ways in which you offend Him
daily. Feel His pain and anguish over being abandoned and ignored and treated
irreverently. Understand how thirsty He is for your love.
Then love and treat Him as He deserves.
Recent comments on the book:
This book accomplished what author
Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love
Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe
Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and
reflections on the Eucharist--our source and summit and surest Love. I can't
wait to get to Adoration!...“Thank you so much for
sharing this beautiful gem with me. I feel like every single Catholic should
read it and have a copy and then share it with someone who isn’t and then we would
be all set in this world. Such richness here and it stirs up so much in the
Anne Costa
Slumbering Souls
is an eloquent treasury of Eucharistic reflections which you will enjoy reading
over and over again. I read the reflections during Eucharistic adoration and
just before bedtime. They were comforting, peaceful, insightful, and gave me a
new appreciation and love for the Eucharist. I highly recommend this book for
all who desire to grow in their love of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Jean M. Heimann
If you bring this book with you to adoration, there is
material enough to meditate upon for weeks or even months. Seagriff then
supplies ten questions for further reflection, testimonies of adorers, and
various prayers. I can't imagine anyone reading this book without their
devotion to the Blessed Sacrament increasing.
Connie Rossini
Slumbering Souls is a beautiful anthology from saints,
mystics and friends of Jesus. This book has the potential to facilitate deeper
reflection and response for its readers who truly seek to grow in their faith
and appreciation for the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. For some, just
one quote could bring the moment of change and profound conversion for which they
have longed. For others, this will be a companion to them in their prayer times
at home and in Church. As for me, it will be among my select and treasured
go-to spiritual books.
Christine M. Arabik, M.A.
This book of beautiful reflections contains inspiring quotes
from priests, religious, lay people and saints. An ideal resource to take to
Eucharistic Adoration. Highly recommend!
Ellen Gable Hrkach
Michael Seagriff’s recently published, Stirring Slumbering
Souls, gently reminds us that “to the Real Presence of Jesus, we often respond
with our real absence!” (Father Florian Racine)…Seagriff reminds Christians of
Jesus’ love and longing for us. Sadly, many who profess a belief in God’s
presence in the tabernacle, casually enter a church still distracted by the
cares of the world. If Saint Matthew (16:17-18) asks Are your hearts hardened?
Do you have eyes, but fail to see? Do you have ears, but fail to hear? Michael
Seagriff answers with a carefully researched collection of two-hundred and
fifty meditations that document the church’s response to Jesus’ call to
Don Mulcare
Seagriff has done an exceptional job at bringing together
all the voices, that we need to hear. Voices that sing the same song: Spend
time with Jesus now, in faith. If you can’t find the time, or the desire, to
spend time with Jesus now, then why should Jesus think that you would want to
spend eternity with him, later?
Ginny Lieto
Michael Seagriff
describes himself as a simple man, but his thoughts and reflections, and his
choice of 250 Eucharistic Reflections in 'Stirring Slumbering Souls', are
anything but simple. Rather, his choice reflects his profound love of his Lord
and his devotion to The Eucharist. Buy a copy and keep it with you to read and
re-read. You will be profoundly moved.
David Torkington
There are so many decisions we each make, daily, that lead
us towards or away from holiness. The saints were never perfect. But each day,
aware of God's unconditional forgiveness and love, they set out to strive for
holiness, and to love each other and God as He loves us. If we were not sure
what role Eucharistic Adoration has played in the making of our saints,
Michael's new book, "Stirring, Slumbering Souls," leaves ZERO doubt!
God Bless you, Mike!
Mary Lothers
Get your copy
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 5)
In his must-read book, The
Power of Silence – Against the Dictatorship of Noise, Robert Cardinal Sarah
minces no words in describing our modern society: “…silence has come into
disrepute; this is the symptom of a serious worrisome illness. The real questions
of life are posed in silence.”
is so much noise in this world that we are not only having trouble hearing
ourselves think, we rarely hear the voice of God. So many are the distractions
and demands placed on our time, that we nary give God a thought.
of us recognize this failure and long for a way to make time for Him. Countless
others are unaware of the damage being done to their eternal souls by rarely,
if ever, thinking of He Who created them.
can we do about this? We must, all of us, make time for God every day.
do not take these words as a chastisement; they are intended as an invitation
to embark on an exciting and life-changing spiritual adventure.
where to begin?
now, promise your Creator that you will give Him just five minutes of your time
at the very beginning of the day (preferably) or during your lunch break or before
you go to bed or whatever time works best for you. BUT be sure it is the
same time every day. You can do that! You need to do that! God will bless you
for doing that!
can you spend those five minutes profitably and get the most out of this time with
your loving Lord? Read and ponder one of the 100 challenging and instructive
quotations contained in this book. Some will sting; all will teach. Re-read the
passage as often as necessary during that five-minute period of time until
something in it penetrates your heart. Stop. Listen to what God is trying to
tell you and then ask Him for the grace to live or apply that Truth in your
this every day and marvel at how much your relationship with God will change.
happens when you go through the 100 quotations in this book? Not to worry. Go
back and see what additional insights you will receive the second time around
and/or pick up Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Pondering Tidbits of Truth and
satiate your desire to know and live the Truths of your Catholic Faith.
you have mined the treasures in all five volumes of Pondering Tidbits of
Truth, then pick up Forgotten Truths To Set Your Faith Afire -- Words to
Challenge Inspire and Instruct. This book of 1200 quotations is the
recipient of the prestigious Seal of Approval from the Catholic Writers’ Guild
and an unending smorgasbord of spiritual nourishment.
God five minutes each day and you will soon find yourself spending far more
time with Him than you ever thought possible. And oh, what a treasure it will
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 4)
Have you promised God that you would "fit Him" in
that busy schedule of yours, but have not been successful in doing so?
Perhaps you have not yet seen the value in making time for
spiritual reading in your daily life.
Are you among those who have approached spiritual reading as
being worse than going to a dentist?
It is time to end your spiritual malnutrition! Read these
faith-enriching quotations - one soul-stirring morsel at a time!
Copies available here.
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 3)
From the Introduction
has been said of St. Dominic de Guzman, the founder of the Order of Preachers,
the Dominicans, that “wherever he was, he always spoke to God, or about God”.
loving Lord was never far from his consciousness.
we realize deep down in our souls that we too need a relationship with God. We
must make time for Him and learn more about Him and what He expects of us. More
importantly, we must speak to Him, love and honor Him, thank Him for His
countless blessings, and ask for His assistance.
am certain that none of us spend our days in such constant thought of the God
Who made us as did St. Dominic. There are probably more than a few days when we
give Him little or no consideration - not because we don’t love Him or don’t
have a desire to get closer to Him or to learn more about Him or what He
expects of us, but because we are overwhelmed by the responsibilities and
trials of our earthly lives.
have convinced ourselves that we have little time for Him.
so we think.
Pondering Tidbits of Truth
Volume 3 is a simple but
sure-fire tool to make certain you spend some time every day thinking about,
and being in the presence of, the God who loves you and desires to spend
eternity with you. It is an inspiring way to learn more about the Catholic
Available on
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 2)
me ask you two questions? Are you at the point in your spiritual life where you
sense God prodding you to spend more time each day reading, pondering and
reflecting on the truths of your Catholic faith, but you do not know where to
begin or how you will find the time to do so? Fret no more. The hard work has
been done for you.
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 2), like its Volume 1 predecessor, sets
forth 100 quotations from ancient and contemporary Catholics that will
challenge and inspire you. The wisdom contained within these books will provide
much fruit for your contemplation.
just five minutes a day on one quotation. Chew on it. Dissect it. Debate it.
Repeat it. Recall it during the course of your waking hours. What is that
quotation saying to you? Is there something in it that you need to apply to
your life and spiritual journey? Stay with that pearl of wisdom until its truth
penetrates your heart and soul. Then move on to the next quotation and begin
the process anew.
If you are like most of those
responding to our Lord’s promptings, you will not tire of re-reading these
truths from time to time.
Comments On The Book:
invaluable source of saintly wisdom and Church teaching. In a world
where the truth is so twisted, this little volume sets the reader
straight...I enjoy these compilations immensely."
Anne Costa, Author and Catholic Radio Host
Buy Your Paper Copy Here or Your Kindle Version Here
Pondering Tidbits of Truth (Volume 1)
We are all busy people. Many of us have convinced
ourselves that we simply do not have the time to read, ponder and reflect on
the wealth of spiritual wisdom our Catholic Church has accumulated over the
centuries. Yet, we owe God and ourselves this reflective time.
If we spend little or no time pondering the
truths and mysteries of our Faith, we are not going to progress spiritually - a
growth essential to our eternal well-being and that of those around us…
You will find 100 quotations here. Some may be
familiar to you. Others maybe not so much.
All offer much fruit for your reflection and contemplation. I offer no
apology for the frequent appearance of the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen – his
clear and courageous voice is needed in our times.
This is my challenge to all who come upon this
little book. Put it on your Kindle, tablet, laptop, android or I-phone so it
will always be readily accessible at those times when you can steal a few
minutes away from the hustle and demands of daily life and think about “what is
above”. Read these words and ponder them, asking God to let you understand what
He wants you to learn from this material.
sure people will gain a great deal from this book. Certainly every
quote will make the seeker of Christ ponder well. - Barb S.
I think the book is perfect for Lectio Divina. - Faith Flaherty
...spiritually enriching...provides wonderful reflections... Lois C.
I Thirst For Your Love
Awarded Seal of Approval by Catholic Writers' Guild
[Excerpts from Introduction)
The time for mincing
words is over.
The most significant crisis in
the Catholic Church today, from which all the other problems we are
experiencing flow, is the fact that an overwhelming majority of those
identifying themselves as Catholic, no longer believe that our Lord Jesus
Christ is really, truly and substantially present Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament!
The sad but truthful reality is
that in far too many of our Catholic parishes we have lost the sense of the
sacred and an appreciation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that are both
essential for fostering and maintaining a belief in the Real Presence.
Instead of cursing this darkness,
ignorance and disbelief, it’s time to do something affirmative to console Our
Lord and to help rediscover a sense of the "sacred" and of "awe
and amazement" in this gift of the Eucharist, as Saint John Paul II and
Benedict XVI had so frequently urged us to do.

We do not need any more study
groups or committees or commissions in our Church. All lukewarmness toward or
outright opposition to the promotion of Eucharistic adoration and spirituality
must cease. We need Bishops, priests, religious and laypeople to frequently get
on their knees before their Eucharistic Lord. It is He, not any of us, Who will
gift us with a deep, abiding, life-changing, sanctifying belief in His Real
Human and Divine Presence here among us. Everything else we need or think we
need individually or as Church will flow from Him.
Ponder this Truth: Our God does
not need any of us, not even for a millisecond. Yet, as Jesus hung from the
cross more than 2000 years ago, He let us know He was thirsty – not a physical
thirst - but an unquenchable spiritual thirst as our Lord, Savior and Redeemer
to be loved by those He created and for whose eternal benefit He died.
In the ensuing centuries, not
enough of us have made sufficient effort to quench His thirst. For the most
part, many of us ignore His plea to love Him as He loves us. He still thirsts
for our love. He is still waiting for us to love Him! Has He not waited long
enough? Why have so many of us been unwilling to quench His thirst?
There is only one credible and
honest answer to that question - one that should make each of us uncomfortable
but spur us to action. If we really believed Jesus Christ was truly here with
us, we would come visit Him. Nothing would prevent us from doing so. We would
not permit anyone or anything to take precedence over Him.
But we do not come as we ought
because not enough of us believe He is here!
We are the only ones who can
quench His thirst. All we have to do is come into His Presence and tell Him we love
Him! That’s it! But most of us don’t and won’t.
He remains not only thirsty but
Shame on us for denying Him what
He deserves, what He has asked of us and that which would be so very easy to
give Him!
To have such a great gift, to
have a God so easily accessible and not to reverence and appreciate that Gift,
is the greatest of all human failings.
It is the author’s hope that
after reading this book you will come to Love Him! Reverence Him! Visit Him!
Quench His thirst!
Comments On the Book:
If you have ever wanted to know more about Our Lord Jesus Christ exposed
in a monstrance, and referred to as Our Blessed Sacrament, then this
book is for you. Michael Seagriff does an excellent job at helping you
to understand that it is truly Jesus Christ, Himself, contained in the
monstrance, exposed during Adoration. Michael helps the reader to
understand why we should be more reverent to the Blessed Sacrament. He
also provides suggestions on how we can be more reverent when in Church.
The messages from Jesus, contained in this book, taken from In Sinu
Iesu (The Journal of a Priest) were beyond powerful. When reading them, I
felt like Jesus was talking directly to my heart about what it means to
Him to have someone visit with Him in Church. I highly recommend taking
this book to Adoration and reading it in Christ's Presence. The prayers
in the Appendices can be recited over and over, at each visit. This
book is a gem! "
Virginia Lieto, Author and Blogger
"Tender, earnest, and heartfelt—I Thirst For Your Love
is an excellent collection of beautiful poignant Eucharistic
reflections. Author Michael Seagriff believes we have lost the sense of
the Sacred and offers countless reasons for us to pause and ponder
Jesus’ Sacred thirst for our love. I highly recommend this book."
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, Author, Speaker and ETWN Host
I was reading [this book] I just kept thinking how urgent is this
message. You say it with clarity and charity. Anyone reading this book
will not be able to resist the 'wooing' of our Saviour to His wounded
heart. As a woman, the holy gift of my receptivity resides and is
invigorated by His Eucharistic presence. Jesus in the tabernacle is our
only hope, quenching His thirst our single aim."
Anne Costa, Author and Catholic Radio Host
author] has written a book full of little reminders as eye-opening as
they are stimulating and, in some cases, conscience pricking. We are
taken on a journey of considerations surrounding our behavior and
attitudes toward Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass with the effect of stirring us to spend more time with Our Lord in
Adoration and being more focused and attentive at Mass...I think this
book needs to be promoted in every parish for the sake of evangelizing
ourselves and others. ..
Barb Schoeneberger, Catholic Blogger
Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct
Also Awarded Seal of Approval by Catholic Writers' Guild
Seagriff, a Lay Dominican and retired attorney, has done the heavy lifting for
you by compiling more than 1200 quotations from Sacred Scripture, the Catechism
of the Catholic Church, Popes, Church Doctors, saints, bishops, priests,
sinners and regular folk.
These essential
but often Forgotten Truths opened his
eyes, spoke to his heart, and stirred his soul. The power of these words
changed his life and can do the same for all who read and reflect upon them.
from and Goodreads Reviews:
Each page is filled with powerful words to affirm, inspire and
encourage Catholics and Christians in their faith.
Costa, Author
I am very impressed with this book and the author's commitment to
writing about the Catholic Faith in a very informational and inspirational
manner. I have no doubt that this book will help others on their Faith
Donna M.
Cooper O’Boyle, ETWN TV host and author
One thing I like about the book is that you can open it anywhere,
read a passage and ponder on what you have read for either a few minutes or for
however long you want. Then see where that time contemplating takes you - maybe
into a deeper and more spiritual life.
Vallier, Lay Dominican
The book is easy to read and difficult to put down... It
enhanced my own faith, as I'm sure it would that of any Christian.
Bernie Conklin,
I love reading this book in company with the
Lord in adoration…the words just jump off the page to me!
Very enlightening but not so deep that you get
lost or disinterested…Helps to keep the rest of the day in perspective.
H. Ball
This book is so detailed with valuable
information at your fingertips. It is worth every penny and if your mind is
open to deepen your spirituality then I highly recommend.
This was very inspirational. It
gives a deep insight into God, His wondrous deeds, and it also makes you
realize that Heaven is truly not of this world.
iDevour Books
Fleeting Glimpses of the Silly, Sentimental and Sublime
the stories you read here
bring you laughter at a time you feel forlorn, comfort when you are
overburdened with the challenges of daily living, tears of joy when
words you read or images they generate resurrect thoughts of those you
and lost, greater appreciation for the gift of life, zeal for the
salvation of
souls, and an increased desire to give to God and those He created what
He and
they deserve.
from Reviews:
Life is fleeting but through Michael Seagriff's
inspirational moments, he offers the opportunity to hang on just a
little tighter and slow things down. Life is more beautiful, deeper,
and more fulfilling when we stop and take it in. Seagriff's story give
us a Gospel perspective of God, love, the gift of family and of life.
His book is a treasure of stories that earned him wisdom through experiences lived in union with God and his Catholic faith.
taking these words to heart, we might recognize some of the crosses we
most dread to carry are no more than toothpicks and that, by God’s
grace, no cross He sends will ever be too heavy."
"The minute I
silently accepted our impending deaths, I received an unmistakable,
non-verbal, internal prompting to stop the car. It made no sense! But I
did as I was prompted."
"God does not promise those who love him a
life here free of trials and tribulations. Time before Him in the
Blessed Sacrament is no guaranty of a struggle free life. But He does
promise sufficient graces to carry our daily crosses and eternity with
Him for those who love Him."
I highly recommend this book for those who like to think and feel and grow closer to God and family.
Patti Maguire Armstrong
This collection of autobiographical short stories are brimming
with love. Mike has such a gift for pulling in the reader and investing him in
each story. His writing style is crisp and clear and authentic. It is filled
with a great depth of love for His God and family. This book is a gift to
yourself that you will want to share with others. Strong recommendation.
It's a very personal collection [of essays and reflections], ranging from humorous to touching
vignettes and reflections, including Christmas stories and exhortations to love
as Jesus loves and to love Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. It's
entertaining and often thought-provoking...
Stephanie Mann
I'm so glad I came across Fleeting Glimpses. This is a sweet, quick
read that sings the praises of our Catholic faith in an easy-to-read
style. It warmed my heart!
Erin McCole Cupp
Good reading
- Highly recommended for everyone. Very enlightening and inspirational. I have
read and re-read it several times. God bless the author.
Manly thoughts -
Wonderfully written to inspire thought and moreover, action. Seagriff
challenges me to be the man and Christian I know I should be but does so with a
velvet hammer. I appreciate his example.
Dave W.