Eucharistic Reflection - I Visit For Love

Plan on visiting our ever-present and loving Lord:

"I visit for love. To both give my love and to receive His love.  This all-knowing Love that embraces, corrects, restores, and sees exactly who I am.  I come to remember John 3:16: For God so loved the world”…and the love that He gives is here in the Blessed Sacrament, His Son Jesus Christ. 

When I enter, the Church aura is heavy with love.   His love for us His adorers. Our love for Him the One adored.  The love shared between fellow adorers, and the love of the Heavenly adorers for Him and for us.

I am here both alone in love with Him, and yet in a cherished communion with all who seek to adore.

When I am a lover, at my very best, I approach with gratitude, praise, and thanksgiving. I wish to give love for Love, no matter what the time 5 minutes or 3 hours. I give my love, as best I can, yet often a cacophony of need can consume me. My thoughts burst into the silence with my challenges, sorrows, needs, and desires.

His love and tender embrace hear my every cry, expression, and concern, and when I leave I am a better version of myself.  I have been fully and completely loved, and nothing is lacking." 

Joanna Mary Ladipo, Our Lady of Providence/St. Thomas Aquinas Fraternity, Providence, RI

(Excerpted from Godhead Here In Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)