
Showing posts from June, 2015

Eucharistic Reflection - Approaching The Holy Table

  (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) "And since so few people now hear the words, 'Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened,' let each of us, when he approaches the Holy Table, look upon himself as the delegate of all those he loves or has loved, living or dead.  When God makes His way into our souls, He does not find us alone. All those from whom we proceed and who have gone to sleep before us may receive, in Purgatory, some benefit of grace pervading us, their living children, when we pray for them. And all our friends who are kept away from the Source of grace by sin, indifference, ignorance, and incredulity - those who have helped us and those we have harmed - are present in our thoughts in this ineffable instant."   Francois Mauriac

We Stand With You Lord - No Matter The Price We May Be Asked To Pay!

May the following words penned more than 50 years ago by Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O. encourage us during these trying times and our pending exile in a world that has, for the most part, turned its back on the Lord who created them, died for them, yet still offers all of us eternal life: (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) "There was pain in Egypt - yet, I say it was heaven. Mary saw raw, rampant paganism all about her, yet she nursed God at her breast; she had to listen to false gods being called upon, yet she heard the Word of God utter His first human word. And while the sight of pyramids standing out against a setting sun, and the shimmer on the waters of the Nile told her not only that she was in exile, but that her whole people had once been here, yet when she gazed into the starry light in His eyes and knew that it had been kindled from light in her own and that He was the Maker of the stars, Egypt and exile was heaven. It was here she saw Him take His ...

Reparation - A Most Timely Reminder

When man rejects God's law, there is one most appropriate and necessary response that all who love their Suffering Savior should offer Him:

Last Day - June 26 - To Get Free or $.99 Catholic e-Books from Indie Catholic Authors

Last day! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get copies of outstanding Catholic e- books (both fiction and non-fiction) by going to Indie Catholic Authors.  There are treasures there waiting for you at prices you can not beat. God empowers the words of others to touch hearts, stir souls and change lives. There are some books there He may be inviting you to read. What are you waiting for? Come fill your e-book library for around $15.00!

Are You On Guard?

Some very sound advice:

Free or Nearly Free Catholic e-Books Today through June 26

Great opportunity for free or $.99 cent copies of e-books from a great group of independent authors - today through June 26. Two of my books, Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire ! and I Thirst for Your Love , are available for this limited time for only $.99. Both books have received the Seal of Approval from the Catholic Writers' Guild What an opportunity to fill up your e-book library for around $15.00 - all genres - fiction and non-fiction. So go here and start downloading these great books. Would you let others know of this great offer????

It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - Follow His Promptings

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, an ever-expanding group of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays.     Do yourself a favor and go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in your Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at   Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will be pleased with what they share. This is my contribution this week: Follow His Promptings (Originally posted September 13, 2013) I stopped in Church for a visit, intending to spend some time in the Presence of our Lord, to pray the rosary and recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Midway through my recitation of the rosary, a woman came in quietly and almost unnoticeably. She sat in the very last pew, knelt down and pulled out her rosary beads. I did not know who she was. We were just...

Eucharistic Reflection - The Paten Of My Hands

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) The night before [Jesus] died He said “This is my body – This is my blood.” Every day that we live, we are to hold out on the paten of our hands our hearts, and minds, and wills, our all, and say: "This is my body - this is my blood. Take them. And what You do with wheat and wine and these awe-filled words, do with me! Let the outward appearances remain; my face, figure, height, and breadth; but the inner substance, change! Change it so that it will no longer be mine, but Thine. Change it so that I will always be what transubstantiated Wheat and Wine ever remain - Thee!" (From God, A Woman and The Way by Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O.)

Is This How You See Sin?


#Free or $.99 #Catholic e-books June 24-26

Get Free or $.99 Catholic e-books - fiction and non-fiction -  June 24-26 Included in this sale are two of my books, both of which received the Seal of Approval from the Catholic Writer's Guild: Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! - Worlds To Challenge, Inspire and Instruct and I Thirst for Your Love Connie Rossini, whose sale banner appears above, has an excellent idea: Fill your summer reading library for around $15.00. How about helping to spread the word?

My Dad - May He And All Our Departed Dads Rest In Peace!

Every one who ever met Joseph Seagriff respected this simple humble man. You would have loved my Dad. If you are interested, you can get a sense of who he was and why I am so grateful to be his son  here . Dad, I  miss you terribly.

An Urgent Prayer and Warning - Lest The Church Suffer Too Great A Darkness

Those who have visited here, read my book, I Thirst For Your Love , or frequent Harvesting The Fruits of Contemplation , know how much I value and promote the work of Father Mark and his community, The Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration . Father Mark graciously consented to my including several of his reflections in I Thirst for Your Love. While I find all his postings, particularly those on the Eucharist and Adoration must shares, the article that follows [that I share with his permission] is really one that deserves and needs widespread distribution. I share his increasing sense of urgency. If, after reading it, you agree, would you pass it on to as many priests, religious and lay men and woman as possible? O Come Let Us Adore Him While We Can! Lest Thy Church suffer too great a darkness Beloved Lord Jesus, I adore Thee, who art present here, with all the love of my heart. Sinner that I am, I would offer Thee reparation for all the irreverence, coldnes...

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - June 18, 2015

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.  St. Augustine "Accordingly, this seems to me to be one principal reason why the good are chastised along with the wicked, when God is pleased to visit with temporal punishments the profligate manners of a community. They are punished together, not because they have spent an equally corrupt life, but because the good as well as the wicked, though not equally with them, love this present life; while they ought to hold it cheap, that the wicked, being admonished and reformed by their example, might lay hold of life eternal." (From the City of God )  

It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - Suffer the Little Children (and Sinful Prisoners Too)

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, an ever-expanding group of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in your Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at   Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will be pleased with what they share. Here is what I chose to share this week:   Suffer the Little Children (and Sinful Prisoners Too)  (Originally posted July 8, 2013) (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) I was prompted a few weeks back to go through and empty out my desk drawer. It had been far too long since I had de-cluttered it. I had forgotten the hidden treasures it contained. Then I saw them – about 15 of them. Suddenly, I realized how long it had been since I last went to ...

Eucharistic Reflection - Mary’s Eucharistic Life

“Her life during those [last] years must have been an intense Eucharistic life. Who could ever receive Holy Communion in such a way as to be compared with her faith and fervor? If Holy Communion is the most intimate union of the soul with God, how fervent would her Communions be! It would seem to her that the Incarnation was renewed in every Holy Communion. On receiving Jesus she would again feel the effective, real and true Presence of her Son. Not a day would pass without her receiving Our Lord. Her Holy Communion would be the central action of every day. The whole day would seem far too short for her preparation and thanksgiving.

Do Not Miss Out On Free and $.99 Catholic Book Sale Next Week - Mark Your Calendars June 24-26

Discounts and Freebies Major Catholic ebook sale next week! June 15, 2015 Connie Rossini 1 Comment Fifteen members of Indie Catholic Authors are hosting a sale of their ebooks from June 24-26.  All books are sale priced at $0.99 or less. You can buy a whole new library for less than $15! Participating authors include: John C. Connell Mary Ann D’Amico Jeannie Ewing Ellen Gable Melanie Jean Juneau Jane Lebak Tom McDonough Gil Michelini Larry Peterson Connie Rossini Marianne Sciucco Michael Seagriff Cheryl Ann Wills Dawn Witzke John Paul Wohlscheid. Among the titles, readers will find spirituality, memoir, fiction, a children’s book, and a collection of short stories. The books are available for Kindle, Nook, and iBooks. Some are also available in paperback and audiobook (although those formats are not discount at this time). See our new blog header for individual titles. On Wednesday, June 24, we’ll post all the details abo...

We Have Forgotten The Impact of Our Example

In his 1954 book, God, A Woman and The Way, Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O. warned us that we had forgotten the purpose of our lives and much of what it means to be Catholic. He powerfully illustrated his point with this poignant tale: "We have forgotten that there is eloquence in the silent simplicity of doing one's ordinary duty. We have forgotten that there is power and terrific impact in example.  (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) A child of six was about to undergo a tonsilectomy. The surgeon, a fallen away Catholic, to ease all tension, playfully and paternally told the little girl that he was going to help her go to sleep for a while. Whereupon the child knelt on the operating table saying: "If I'm going to sleep. I must first say my night prayers." In all simplicity and with the full charm of innocent childhood she folded her hands and said what you and I have said again and again in our youth.    ‘Now I lay me down to sleep;   T...

Why? Why Injustice? Why Suffering? Why?

[There are questions that have no ready answers.How many times have we asked God "Why" when He sends suffering or injustice our way or to our loved ones and friends? Father Raymond answers this recurrent question with one of his own sure to cause you to ponder this subject anew:] (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) "Divine Providence, which is but another name for God, is bound to be more than puzzling; it is sure to be an insoluble mystery. We simply do not, we simply cannot, see the reason for many things. Why is this young couple denied children for whom they long, and for whom they could make lavish provision, while next door the mother already burdened with a large family, for whom the father is straining to make ends meet, gives birth to another healthy child? Why is it that this holy young woman brings forth a stillborn child, while a neighbor who has lost all faith becomes a mother to stocky twins?

The Voice We Are Free To Ignore

Oh, how great is the gift of conscience. How foolish we are not to listen to it.

It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - I Am Not Going To Cry!

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, a  group of Catholic bloggers takes the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will blessed and encouraged in your spiritual walk. I would like to share the following post: I Am Not G oing To Cry! Today, I wanted to cry!   I had ample reasons to cry but I am not going to!!  Instead, I am calling all Catholics to spiritual arms! 

Eucharistic Reflection - The Occupation of A Fervent Soul

If Jesus Christ, in coming to us, gives us sensible marks of His presence, as is generally the case with those who have a tender devotion to His Sacred Heart, let us profit by these precious moments, let us preserve great interior recollection, let us listen to our Lord, let us allow grace to work. If we do not hinder its operation by voluntary distractions, and a kind of dissipation by which the devil seeks to make us lose all the fruit of Communion, it will work wonders in us. The occupation of a fervent soul at this time, shouldbe principally, to abandon herself entirely to the loveof her Divine Savior, and to enjoy the sweetness of His presence.

Not There Yet

In order to avoid spiritual complacency, we need periodic reminders from the spiritual masters of years gone by to keep us on the right track:

Many of Us Have Forgotten That There's A Price We Must Pay

It may not be much longer before someone comes to collect:

Pray That We Will Take God In The Streets of All Our Cities, Towns and Villages, Not Just New York City


Pondering Tidbits of Truth - June 4, 2015

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Father Federico Suarez  "The Cross, then, is the great place of prayer, just as it is the great altar, the great monstrance, and the first tabernacle. It is not in vain that we are told to begin and end our prayers with the sign of the Cross." (From The Sacrifice of the Mass )

It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - The Price For Our Ingratitude

(Locked Church Doors - Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, a  group of Catholic bloggers takes the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will be pleased with what they share. Just a few brief thoughts this week: The Price For Our Ingratitude (Originally posted April 3, 2013) I went to my parish yesterday for morning Mass after having just returned from an extended family visit over Easter. When I arrived, I discovered there would be no weekday Masses as our pastor was on retreat. Good for Father; unfortunate for me. Had I known in advance, I would have attended Mass elsewhere. It was too lat...

Eucharistic Reflection - The Prince Is In Disguise

Let us say some prayers before Communion, but let us spend at least a quarter of an hour in making profound reflections on the action we are about to perform. It is very difficult for a person to be convinced that he is going to receive Jesus Christ, and yet to have no desire of it, not to think of it, and to be but little impressed with it.

Monday Musings - Modern Man's Amnesia

Looking for an explanation for the craziness in our world? You will not find a more truthful one than this: (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) “Modern man has forgotten his origin and his end; forgotten his dignity and destiny; forgotten his innate nobility and towering superiority over everything material. Modern man with his vaunted progress reminds one forcibly of that traveler Marcus Aurelius told about; the one who was feverishly hurrying on, but had forgotten where he was going. Modern man has outdone this one; for modern man has forgotten even whence he set out. He has forgotten that he is a man and not a machine, the masterpiece of visible creation and not the product of blind forces, an immortal living in time, an exile with a home in a far country, a breath of God in a vessel of clay. He has forgotten his own identity and his essence. That is the amnesia which must be cured. It is man's memory, not man's mind, that demands the treatment. If he can be ma...