Eucharistic Reflection - Mary’s Eucharistic Life

“Her life during those [last] years must have been an intense Eucharistic life. Who could ever receive Holy Communion in such a way as to be compared with her faith and fervor? If Holy Communion is the most intimate union of the soul with God, how fervent would her Communions be! It would seem to her that the Incarnation was renewed in every Holy Communion. On receiving Jesus she would again feel the effective, real and true Presence of her Son. Not a day would pass without her receiving Our Lord. Her Holy Communion would be the central action of every day. The whole day would seem far too short for her preparation and thanksgiving.

If the saints say that only one Holy Communion would suffice to make a saint, what effects would it have on the soul of Our Lady? In certain souls the effects of their devout Holy Communions are conspicuous. Let us try, then, to imagine what Holy Communion meant for the Immaculate Mother of God. We should also center our lives around the Holy Eucharist. Holy Communion, Holy Hours, and Visits to the Blessed Sacrament must be the most important acts of our lives. Let us remember Mary, let us imitate her, pray to her, entreat her not to abandon us; and let us ask her to teach us how to receive Holy Communion well.”

(From The Last Years of Our Lady by St.John Eudes)