Eucharistic Reflection - The Paten Of My Hands

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The night before [Jesus] died He said “This is my body – This is my blood.” Every day that we live, we are to hold out on the paten of our hands our hearts, and minds, and wills, our all, and say: "This is my body - this is my blood. Take them. And what You do with wheat and wine and these awe-filled words, do with me! Let the outward appearances remain; my face, figure, height, and breadth; but the inner substance, change! Change it so that it will no longer be mine, but Thine. Change it so that I will always be what transubstantiated Wheat and Wine ever remain - Thee!"

(From God, A Woman and The Way by Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O.)