It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - I Am Not Going To Cry!

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, a  group of Catholic bloggers takes the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays.

Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in Faith journey.

During the rest of each week. visit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb. You will blessed and encouraged in your spiritual walk.

I would like to share the following post:

I Am Not Going To Cry!

Today, I wanted to cry!  

I had ample reasons to cry but I am not going to!! 

Instead, I am calling all Catholics to spiritual arms! 

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
I am asking every one who reads this post to thank our Lord for the many holy priests among us.  At the same time, I want your help to assemble an army of prayer warriors, storming heaven, begging Almighty God for the sanctification of each and every one of His priests, those presently ordained and all those to be ordained from now until the end of time.  

We need more holy priests who revere and love the Eucharist, who demonstrate that love and reverence by the way they celebrate Mass and the manner in which they conduct themselves while in the Eucharistic Presence, and who make our Eucharistic Lord the source and center of their priestly lives.   

We need all priests to be willing to give themselves totally and without reservation to the Eucharist in order to save the souls of every one under their pastoral care.  As mere humans, they can do none of this on their own. They can only do so by the grace of God and through the prayerful support of the people of God.  

And they NEED us - now, tomorrow and every day thereafter!  

We need caring, concerned, committed Catholics to spiritually and prayerfully adopt a specific priest and to pray for that priest by name every day. 

We must also revere and love all our priests. We must encourage them to “truly appreciate their unique oneness with” God. And we MUST prayer for them! 

There is an easy and painless way for you to join this prayerful battle. Visit the Handmaids of the Precious Blood. They are “cloistered contemplatives who pray and sacrifice for the sanctification of priests through Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration”.   

You can become a Lay Associate of the Priesthood and adopt a priest for whom you promise to pray for daily. It costs nothing. Enrollment is simple. Just click this link, scroll down the page, click “Adopt a Priest” and provide the good nuns with the requested information. You will receive an enrollment card with the name of the priest to whom you have been assigned to pray for, and a specific prayer to offer daily on his behalf. You can choose to do more if you wish, including using the beautiful closing prayer the nuns offer at Compline each evening.  

The Handmaids of the Precious Blood have not asked me to make this request and do not even know I am doing so.

I am simply responding to a prompting God placed on my heart today.

Can He and His priests count on you?