What's Holding You Back?
In today's Gospel, Peter, his brother Andrew, James and his brother John heard Jesus’ invitation to come after Him and become fishers of men. They responded immediately, without hesitation, putting aside their earthly endeavors to enter in faith upon a journey with Him Who could give them eternal life. What’s holding us back from doing the same? Where are we being called to serve? By the way, if you want to see this Gospel come to life, take a look at "Fishers of Men," a video produced by Grassroot Films, Inc. to assist in the promotion of priestly vocations. It is a moving and powerful tribute to the "other Christs" among us. This should be a mandatory part of our religious education programs and a must see for all Catholic families. You can find a trailer here... I am not affiliated with Grassroots Films, Inc. nor will I receive any monetary renumertion for promoting this video. I do so because it touches my heart every time I view it and helps me bette...