Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire! - Its Purpose
I am not a theologian. However, as a member of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic, I promised to engage in the “assiduous study of Sacred Truth.” Over the years, God has placed a tremendous hunger in my heart to know and share that Truth. During that time, I highlighted or made photocopies of passages in various articles and books that opened my eyes, stirred my soul and spoke to my heart. Much of what I have read over these years, I have written on index cards and stored them in my desk drawer. Periodically re-reading this material has had a significant impact on my life and spiritual journey…As a Dominican, I can not hoard these “Forgotten Truths” in my desk for my exclusive reflection. I must share them with others, knowing they will be a fruitful source of contemplation. That is the purpose of this book.
PLEASE NOTE: As soon as the book is available for sale, you will be able to order a copy directly from this blog or through That date will be in God's perfect timing!
PLEASE NOTE: As soon as the book is available for sale, you will be able to order a copy directly from this blog or through That date will be in God's perfect timing!