The Example of Altar Servers Can Lead Us to Greater Reverence and Appreciation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Polls tell us that a majority of Americans identifying themselves as Catholic no longer attend Sunday Mass. They do not know what is happening at or Who is present at the Mass.

We must address this deficit in catechesis , as well as the  widespread lack of belief in and reverence for the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist.

Monsignor Charles Pope shared a video that helps put these issues in proper perspective. Please take a look.



  1. If you like this vid you'd like my parish's altarboys.

    1. It is a shame that your blessed reality and that reflected in this video are not the normal experience for so many Catholics. Thanks for commenting.

  2. This is why being able to attend the Extraordinary Form is such a great blessing to me. The deep reverence of the boys and men in the sanctuary along with the priest, the careful coordination of action, is like a perfect ballet in front of the throne of God. Solemn. Pious. Peaceful. Adoring. One cannot doubt the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

  3. Barb:

    You are blessed to worship in such a magnificent manner.

    Until the Extraordinary form is more available and appreciated, all our priests must offer all the Novus Ordo Masses with the reverence and dignity and solemnity our Lord deserves and which the Church actually requires them to do.


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