
Showing posts from January, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 28, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time .       Dr. Peter Kwasniewski "At this time in history, with news crashing on upon us from every side - mostly bad news, and some of it frankly scandalous in the extreme, as it reveals the callous complicity with, approbation of, and dedication to evil on the part of many in the hierarchy of the Church, who were supposed to be our guides to holiness and our models of it - nothing could be better than for us to go regularly before the Lord in Adoration. Fair weather or foul, super-busy or at loose ends, it doesn't matter; this is what we should be doing for our Church, for our clergy, for ourselves. This is what Our Lord is waiting for: a sign from us, an unmistakable sign, that we love Him for His own sake, and above all things on earth. When enough of us are taking real steps to love Him in exactly this way - with our whole mind, our w...

Eucharistic Reflection - Bask In The Sun of God's Love

I ran across the following reflection of Father Willie Doyle, S.J. which Dr. Peter Kwasniewski included in his new and powerful book, The Holy Bread of Eternal Life - Restoring Eucharistic Reverence in an Age of Impiety . This is a book that belongs in the hands and hearts of everyone claiming to be Catholic:  Photo©Michael Seagriff "Try basking in the sun of God's love, that is, quietly kneeling before the tabernacle. as you would sit enjoying the warm sunshine, not trying to do anything, except love Him; but realizing that, during all the time you are at His feet, more especially when dry and cold, grace is dropping down upon your soul and you are growing fast in holiness. I think the best of all prayers is just to kneel quietly and let Jesus pour Himself into your soul." (From To Raise The Fallen: A Selection of The War Letters, Prayers and Spiritual Writings of Fr. Willie Doyle, S.J. )

Monday Musings - Some Have Betrayed Him!

A timely and challenging reflection for our times: Photo©Michael Seagriff "How is He [my Son] betrayed? His priests, my own sons, betray Him when they fail to make Him known, when by not teaching the mystery of His real presence they leave souls in the darkness of ignorance, without fire or light. They betray my Son when, by their example, they discourage reverence and adoration, and a loving attention to His presence. They betray Him when they offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass unworthily, and when they hand Him over to sinners who have no intention of giving Him their hearts and seeking His mercy and His pardon for their sins. They betray Him when they leave Him alone in locked churches and when they make it difficult or impossible for souls to approach His tabernacles and rest in the radiance of His Eucharistic Face. They betray Him when they allow His churches to become places of noise and worldly chatter, and when they do nothing to recall souls to the living mystery of...

Eucharistic Reflection - Upon Receiving Our Lord In Holy Communion

The following excerpt is from an article entitled St. Thomas More on the Reception of Holy Communion , written by Father David Friel and which was published on February 18, 2018 on Corpus Christi Watershed .  I thought More's reflection and exhortation were well worth sharing:   (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) OW, WHEN WE HAVE RECEIVED our Lord and have Him inside our body, let us not then leave Him alone as we get involved in other things, forgetting to look to Him anymore. For anyone who would serve a guest in such a way would have little sense! Instead, let all our concern be focused on Him. Let us by devout prayer talk to Him, by devout meditation talk with Him. Let us say with the prophet: “I will hear what our Lord will speak within me” (Ps 85:9). If we set aside all other things and attend to Him, He will not fail to inspire us, to speak to us such things within us that will lead to the great spiritual comfort and profit of our soul. Having rece...

Monday Musings - God's Mercy

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Lord, I do not recall the exact day or date when You showered Your mercy upon me. I was not particularly close to You at the time. But I do remember the place - my former parish while I was sitting in a pew in front of Your tabernacle - complaining to You about the suffering You had asked my dying Mom to endure. In Your infinite wisdom and love, You used my mother's suffering and subsequent death for her eternal benefit and to draw me closer to You. I recall sitting in the pew and thinking about my life up to that point in time. You allowed me to see the many times I was on the brink of falling into hell for all eternity. That day, You let me appreciate  how much You loved me by showing me how often You had withheld Your hand of Justice and extended Your hand of mercy! I believe You when you told St. Faustina that You would extend Your mercy, even to the most wretched of sinners, who seek it prior to death with just a repenting glance.  How ...

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 14, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.     St. Vincent Ferrer, O.P. "The seven dispositions with relation to our Lord in which you should exercise yourself are as follows: Love Him with most ardent love; Fear Him above all things; Render Him the honor and respect which are His due; Have a most constant zeal in His service; in addition to which, Thank and praise Him ; Obey promptly and perfectly His commands; and Relish the divine sweetness as keenly as possible." (From A Treatise On The Spiritual Life )    Venerable Bruno Lanteri "Anxieties, temptations, aridity, heaviness of heart, tribulations, injuries, unpleasant situations, offenses, ingratitude, crosses, matters which do not go well, and sorrows of various kinds:  I will expect all these, even from those I love and whom I have helped. But I will never consider them as evil nor will I regard their origin...