Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 14, 2021
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
St. Vincent Ferrer, O.P.
"The seven dispositions with relation to our Lord in which you should exercise yourself are as follows: Love Him with most ardent love; Fear Him above all things; Render Him the honor and respect which are His due; Have a most constant zeal in His service; in addition to which, Thank and praise Him; Obey promptly and perfectly His commands; and Relish the divine sweetness as keenly as possible."
(From A Treatise On The Spiritual Life)
Venerable Bruno Lanteri
"Anxieties, temptations, aridity, heaviness of heart, tribulations, injuries, unpleasant situations, offenses, ingratitude, crosses, matters which do not go well, and sorrows of various kinds: I will expect all these, even from those I love and whom I have helped. But I will never consider them as evil nor will I regard their origin in men, but rather in God. I know that nothing can take place against the will of God. I know that this is way He Himself followed here on earth and through which He led the saints closest to Him, even His very Mother, so as to glorify her correspondingly in heaven.
And so I will consider these as favors and opportunities that He gives me, so that I will need to ask for His help, so that I will know my weakness, and do penance for my sins. I will try to accept them, confident that this is the road He has laid out for me, that all is ordered for my good, and that my part is to seek to benefit from these situations."
(From Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement - The Wisdom and Spiritual Power of Venerable Bruno Lanteri)
Robert Cardinal Sarah
"For my part, I know that all the great moments of my day are found in the incomparable hours that I spend on my knees in the darkness before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am, so to speak, swallowed up in God and surrounded on all sides by His presence. I would like to belong now to God alone and to plunge into the purity of His love. And yet, I can tell how poor I am, how far from loving the Lord as He loved me to the point of giving Himself up for me ."
(From The Power of Silence)