Eucharistic Reflection - Upon Receiving Our Lord In Holy Communion
The following excerpt is from an article entitled St. Thomas More on the Reception of Holy Communion, written by Father David Friel and which was published on February 18, 2018 on Corpus Christi Watershed.
I thought More's reflection and exhortation were well worth sharing:
(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
OW, WHEN WE HAVE RECEIVED our Lord and have Him inside our body, let us not then leave Him alone as we get involved in other things, forgetting to look to Him anymore. For anyone who would serve a guest in such a way would have little sense!
Instead, let all our concern be focused on Him. Let us by devout prayer talk to Him, by devout meditation talk with Him. Let us say with the prophet: “I will hear what our Lord will speak within me” (Ps 85:9). If we set aside all other things and attend to Him, He will not fail to inspire us, to speak to us such things within us that will lead to the great spiritual comfort and profit of our soul. Having received the Blessed Sacrament, we have a special time of prayer. For He who made us, who redeemed us, whom we have offended, who will judge us, who will either damn us or save us, has because of His great goodness become our guest. He is personally present within us—and He has done that for no other purpose but to be sought for pardon so that He can save us.
Let us not lose this time, therefore, nor allow this occasion to slip by. For we can hardly tell whether we will ever get in to church again or not.
(St. Thomas More, Treatise: To Receive the Blessed Body of Our Lord)