Ven. Fulton J. Sheen - God Never Intended Us To Live In A World of Constant Hemorrhage
(Photo©Michael Seagriff) [The good Archbishop's words from decades ago remain relevant, timeless and true. Would that this Lent we have ears that will hear.] D uring His earthly life, He solicited us to avail ourselves of Redemption by seeing what sin cost. The evil of sin is the Crucifixion of the God-man. The worst thing that sin can do is not to bomb cities or kill children, but to crucify Goodness. No man. is ever conscious of sin, when he thinks of it as merely breaking a law. He never sees the full intensity of sin until he realizes what he does to a person. Many an alcoholic does not know the evil of his sin until, driving while drunk, he kills a child. So when we look, not to a broken law, but at the broken Person of Christ on the Cross, we begin to see the full gravity of sin. We see it in the nails and in the crown of thorns, but we also see the love of God Who goes on loving us despite our sins. On the Cross, Our Lord poured out His Life's Blood,...