
Showing posts from March, 2015

Ven. Fulton J. Sheen - God Never Intended Us To Live In A World of Constant Hemorrhage

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) [The good Archbishop's words from decades ago remain relevant, timeless and true. Would that this Lent we have ears that will hear.] D uring His earthly life, He solicited us to avail ourselves of Redemption by seeing what sin cost. The evil of sin is the Crucifixion of the God-man. The worst thing that sin can do is not to bomb cities or kill children, but to crucify Goodness. No man. is ever conscious of sin, when he thinks of it as merely breaking a law. He never sees the full intensity of sin until he realizes what he does to a person. Many an alcoholic does not know the evil of his sin until, driving while drunk, he kills a child. So when we look, not to a broken law, but at the broken Person of Christ on the Cross, we begin to see the full gravity of sin. We see it in the nails and in the crown of thorns, but we also see the love of God Who goes on loving us despite our sins. On the Cross, Our Lord poured out His Life's Blood,...

The Crux of the Matter

As we enter our Lenten journey into Passion week, this is the optimal time to remove any ambiguity we may harbor about the nature and consequence of our sin:

No Need For Separation


Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 26, 2015

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Blessed Alvaro del Portillo “…contemporary paganism is characterized by the search for- material well-being at any cost; and by the corresponding disregard or, to put it more accurately, fear, genuine terror - of anything that could cause suffering. With this outlook, words such as God, sin, Cross, mortification, eternal life become incomprehensible to a great number of people, who are ignorant of their meaning and content. You have witnessed the incredible fact that many people began by putting God in parentheses, in some aspects of their professional lives. But then, as God demands, loves, and asks, they end up throwing Him out -like an intruder -from their civil laws and from the lives of their nations. With a ridiculous and presumptuous pride they want to lift up in his place the poor human creature, who has lost ...

It's "Worth Revisiting Wednesday" - Will Your Lie Cost You Your Life?

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, an ever-expanding group of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in your Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at   Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will be pleased you did. Here is what I am sharing this week: Will Your Lie Cost You Your Life? (Originally published April 7, 2014) (Source: Wikimedia Commons ) If there is one Scripture passage that we defense lawyers should especially appreciate, it has to be today’s first reading (Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62). The case against Susanna was open and shut. All seemed hopeless. There were two eye witnesses – and they were judges and well-known leaders of the community...

Eucharistic Reflection - Adore Me Always!

Adore me always and in all places by a simple movement of your heart. Consider that wherever you are, I see you and know your heart's desire. Desire to adore me always, and know that I accept that desire of yours with great delight.

40 Days For Life - 10,000 Babies Saved!

Just had to share this video posted by 40 Days for Life. Please visit their website and consider becoming involved. Your prayerful presence makes a difference and saves lives:

Sin Is Not Merely Denying God

No matter how many times we are reminded about sin, we act like it is no big deal. How Satan rejoices at the success of his deception.

Sunday Snippets - March 22, 2015

Sunrise - Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Photo©Lonnie Seagriff) It's Sunday and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place  where you are sure to find something that will touch your heart and stir your soul. Take a few minutes and visit! This is what I posted: Guest Blog -  My Lay Dominican Brother Was Willing To Pay The Price For His Faith. Will You? Proclaim The Radical Nature of The Gospel The Purpose of Lenten Prayer "It's Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - Holy Priests and Zeal For the Salvation of Souls or Political Activism and Social Justice Programs? What Did St. John Vianney Think? Eucharistic Reflection - I Am Rejected By the Majority of Humanity

Eucharistic Reflection - I Am Rejected By the Majority of Humanity

[Imagine kneeling before a tabernacle and hearing Jesus say to you: ] I reside in tabernacles all over the world. I do this because I desire My children to have a living Christ in their midst. Such holiness is available to souls who visit and venerate Me in the Eucharist. I am the cure for every ill. I am the calm for every storm. I am the comfort for every sorrow. Because I intend to lead My children in a more enhanced way, I am going to show you the Life that is enclosed in each tabernacle. My dear ones, if you but knew the value of each and every visit that is made to Me here, there would be crowds all through every day and every night...

"It's Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - Holy Priests and Zeal For Salvation of Souls or Political Activism and Social Justice Programs? What Did St. John Marie Vianney Think?

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, a number of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays.   Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in your Faith journey.   Be sure to Allison at   Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb during the rest of the week. They have much to share with you. I wanted to share this post with you. We must love our priests and prayerfully support them. Holy Priests and Zeal For Salvation of Souls or Political Activism and Social Justice Programs? What Did St. John Marie Vianney Think? (Originally posted August 4, 2012) The feast day for St. John Marie Vianney should garner more attention than it does or will. What a shame! Here is what I wrote last year on this occasion. I frequently write urging pr...

The Purpose of Lenten Prayer


Guest Blog - My Lay Dominican Brother Was Willing To Pay The Price For His Faith. Will You?

Let’s be honest. Up to recent years, it has not been too difficult to live as a Catholic in these United States. But that is changing. Efforts have been underway for some time to undermine our right to the free exercise of our religious beliefs. For the most part, we have sat silently, acquiescing to such a radical agenda. In the not too distant future, each of us may have to make the same type of choice my Lay Dominican brother, Roman Gorski, had to make some years ago in his native Poland – forfeit his physical comfort, and freedom or lose his soul. He has given me permission to share his story, not to bring attention to himself but in hopes it will serve as a clarion call to all Catholics and Christians in this nation – be ready to suffer for your Faith. Although lengthier than most of the work I have shared on this blog, the article is well-worth your time. Strengthened by Faith b y Mr. Roman Gorski, O.P. (Image Source: From the House Tops ) [...

Sunday Snippets - March 15, 2015

It's Sunday and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place  where you are sure to find something that will touch your heart and stir your soul. Take a few minutes and visit!  This is what I posted: Unique Musical Tribute to Our "Holy Mother"   We Are Not The Church Impotent Reparation - A Forgotten Word and Concept Eucharistic Reflection - Christs Waits for His Priests "I Have the Perfect Time for You!" Pondering Tidbits of Truth - May 12, 2015

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 12, 2015

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. St. Catherine of Siena    “The good gentle Jesus, Love, dies of thirst and hunger for our salvation. I beg you for love of Christ crucified to keep your eyes on the hunger of this Lamb…” (From The Letters of St. Catherine of Siena, Vol. II , Suzanne Noffke, O.P., Tr.)

“I Have The Perfect Time For You!”

I still remember Nina walking toward the pew where we were seated – nearly 25 years ago - with that challenging, inviting, loving, mischievous, welcoming, smile on her face. “I have the perfect time for you,” she announced. I glanced quizzically at my wife and silently asked myself, “What is Nina talking about?” “The 2 AM to 3 AM hour is perfect for you two!” she proclaimed. “What?”

Eucharistic Reflection - Christ Waits for His Priests

I wait for my priests. (Image Source: Vultus Christi ) I long to see them enter my sanctuary and approach the tabernacle of my abiding presence. I wait for them in the Sacrament that I left for their sakes as the expression of my Divine Friendship for my priests, as their consolation in loneliness, their strength in weakness, their sweetness in life's bitterness.

Reparation – A Forgotten Word and Concept

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) In a world which, for the most part, no longer recognizes sin or the eternal consequences of sin, and where so many summarily announce that everyone will go to heaven, “reparation” is oftentimes an unwelcomed word and theological concept. How gravely mistaken are the souls who feel this way. So what does “reparation” mean?   The late Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon S.J, offers this simple explanation:  “Reparation is the act or fact of making amends. It implies an attempt to restore things to their normal or sound conditions, as they were before something wrong was done. It applies mainly to recompense for the losses sustained or the harm caused by some morally bad action. With respect to God, it means making up with greater love for the failure in love through sin; it means restoring what was unjustly taken and compensating with generosity for the selfishness that caused the injury.” Obviously there is much more ...

Unique Musical Tribute to Our "Holy Mother"

I first saw this on Aleteia and had to share it.

Sunday Snippets - March 8, 2015

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) It's Sunday and time to visit RAnn and the diverse group of Catholic bloggers she hosts every Sunday at Sunday Snippets - The Catholic Carnival . Drop in. You will be thankful you did. Here is what I shared: Never Presume On God's Mercy Don't Look For Human Approbation Eucharistic Reflection - Come to The Tabernacle "It's Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - " How Much Do YOU Love God? Keep The Light of Conscience On

Keep The Light of Conscience On


"It's Worth Revisiting" Wednesday -"How Much Do YOU Love God?

T hanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, a number of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at   Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb .  You will be pleased with what they share. This is what I have chosen to share this week: How Much Do YOU Live God? (Originally posted July 15, 2012) Too often we have taken God for granted. So sometimes He asks others “to shake things up.” Today may be one of those days. Here is a question worth pondering now and in the days to come: “What if God loved you only as much as you loved Him?” (Father Francis Hudson, S.C.J.) Have you ever loved someone so much that you could hardly wait to hear from them, ...

Eucharistic Reflection – Come to the Tabernacle

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) “If you want to experience true peace, come to the Tabernacle.  Oh, what love you will feel.  My Father waits for you: He waits until you are ready to sit and honor His Son.  He waits for you to open your heart: to believe He is there, so that He can give you the warmth of His Love and His Peace.  For if you believe I am there, all things are possible.  What happened?  Your families before you, honored Me.  They sat with Me: talked with Me.  Churches were full, and because of their love for Me, and the one who sent Me, they did all they could for my Church.  A lot has happened in the last 30 [40+] years.  I am the same God, yet there is no reverence for Me or my Son.  You come with your hands in your pockets, not folded in prayer; children eat, laugh and play in the real presence of my Son.  Some look away, as if they don’t know what to do; most don’t know who I am.  Come to...

Never Presume on God's Mercy

As so many spiritual advisers have taught: The more we come to know ourselves and our sinfulness, the more we will come to know and love God and to appreciate and seek His mercy. Sadly, the world has lost the sense of sin and knows not how much they are in need of God's mercy. By never making an attempt to know themselves, many impede the likelihood they will ever come to know God or seek His mercy. How tragic! Father Grou gives us a good starting point from which to begin the journey to self-knowledge:

Sunday Snippets - March 1, 2015

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) It's Sunday and time to visit RAnn and the diverse group of Catholic bloggers she hosts every Sunday at Sunday Snippets - The Catholic Carnival. Drop in. You will be thankful you did. I shared the following posts this week: Beware of Incoming Missiles Your Hearts, Works, Joys and Sorrows belong on the Paten Eucharistic Reflection - I Also Blush. Do You? It's "Worth Revisiting" Wednesday - Listen Again to the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen" Pondering Tidbits of Truth - February 24, 2015