Eucharistic Reflection - I Am Rejected By the Majority of Humanity
[Imagine kneeling before a tabernacle and hearing Jesus say to you:]
reside in tabernacles all over the world. I do this because I desire My
children to have a living Christ in their midst. Such holiness is available
to souls who visit and venerate Me in the Eucharist. I am the cure for
every ill. I am the calm for every storm. I am the comfort for every
sorrow. Because I intend to lead My children in a more enhanced way, I
am going to show you the Life that is enclosed in each tabernacle. My
dear ones, if you but knew the value of each and every visit that is
made to Me here, there would be crowds all through every day and every
wish to teach you. Most of all, I wish to love you. Have you ever loved
someone passionately, but been rejected? Was your love ever tossed
casually back at you? If this has ever happened to you, then you
understand how I feel. I am rejected by the majority of humanity. I gave
My very life for this humanity, so that their sins would be overlooked
and forgotten. Humanity, poor foolish humanity, flings this gift back at
My feet, as if to say, “Your gift is worthless. It has no value
anymore.” Dearest children, this is ignorance in some cases. Many of
these children do not understand that the gift they toss aside is their
eternity, their salvation.
(Excerpts from entries dated 8/12/2003 and 8/13/2003, Directions for Our Times (Vol. 2) Conversations with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Used with permission)