Reparation – A Forgotten Word and Concept

(Photo©Michael Seagriff)

In a world which, for the most part, no longer recognizes sin or the eternal consequences of sin, and where so many summarily announce that everyone will go to heaven, “reparation” is oftentimes an unwelcomed word and theological concept.

How gravely mistaken are the souls who feel this way.

So what does “reparation” mean?  The late Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon S.J, offers this simple explanation:

 “Reparation is the act or fact of making amends. It implies an attempt to restore things to their normal or sound conditions, as they were before something wrong was done. It applies mainly to recompense for the losses sustained or the harm caused by some morally bad action. With respect to God, it means making up with greater love for the failure in love through sin; it means restoring what was unjustly taken and compensating with generosity for the selfishness that caused the injury.”

Obviously there is much more to “reparation” than Father’s few words.

Our Lord longs for acts of reparation not just for our sins but for the sins of others and most especially for those sins directed against His Eucharistic Presence here among us.

Lent presents itself as a perfect time to study and ponder this concept in depth. Fortunately, Father Mark at Vultus Christi, has published a series of frank and poignant posts on this very topic. I recommend them to you.

Sandwiched in between these prayers are three soul stirring discussions sure to challenge priests, religious and laity to more frequent and fervent acts of reparation: Day of Great Reparation –Sins of Those Who Serve in the Sanctuary, Homily forthe Feast of Reparation Against Offenses to the Blessed Sacrament, and Reparation Is the Exercise of Love.

If you found Father’s discussions to be of value, you might also appreciate the prayers he had previously recommended.

Finally,  during this Lenten season of almsgiving, in your generosity, would you prayerfully consider making a gift to support the vital work of Father Mark and his community, The Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration  - their prayerful supplication for the sanctification of all priests? You can donate here.