Eucharistic Reflection – Oh Indifference! Oh Ingratitude!

"0 my children! Our Lord is hidden there, waiting for us to come and visit Him and make our requests. See how good He is! He accommodates Himself to our weakness. (Source: WikiMedia Commons ) "In Heaven, where we shall be glorious and triumphant, we shall see Him in all His glory. If He presented Himself before us in that glory now, we should not dare to approach Him, but He hides Himself like a person in a prison and seems to say, 'You do not see Me, but that does not matter; ask of Me all you wish and I will grant it.' He is there in the Sacrament of His love, sighing and interceding incessantly with His Father for sinners. "To what outrages does He not expose Himself, that He may remain in our midst!