
Showing posts from September, 2013

Monday Musings - Follow His Promptings!

(Image from I stopped in Church for a visit, intending to spend some time in the Presence of our Lord, to pray the rosary and recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Midway through my recitation of the rosary, a woman came in quietly and almost unnoticeably. She sat in the very last pew, knelt down and pulled out her rosary beads. I did not know who she was. We were just two simple souls drawn to the silent sacredness that palpably files this holy place.   

Sunday Snippets - September 29, 2013

It's actually Monday not Sunday. I have been with my Lay Dominican family since Thursday of last week with no internet access. But it is never too late  to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place  where you are sure to find something that will speak to your soul. Stop in a visit.   I am in "trying to catch up mode" so I will postpone answering this week's question and refer you two of my posts:   Eucharistic Reflection - How Hard Can The Human Heart Become?   Pondering Tidbits of Truth - September 26, 2013

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - September 26, 2013

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Pope Leo XIII "What St. Paul taught was all the truths and precepts of Christ, even the most demanding ones, without silencing or watering down any.   He spoke of humility, of self-denial, of chastity, of detachment from earthly goods, of obedience…And he did not fear to stress that one had to choose between serving God and serving Baal, because it is not possible to serve the two together. He taught that after death all had to undergo a woeful judgment; that no one can bargain with God; that one can only expect eternal life if one has kept God’s laws; that seeking pleasures by breaking these laws one can only expect eternal damnation…Never did the Preacher of truth think he had to omit these things because   they might seem harsh to his listeners, especially in view of the corruption of the times…Since when does a doctor give use...

Eucharistic Reflection – How Hard Can The Human Heart Become?

"Here upon the altar you will find not a relic, nor a monument to someone’s memory, but Me, alive as ever, all-powerful, all-loving, all-perfect. All the treasures and wonders of this world – whatever can attract the human heart – these things are nothing compared to what you find upon the altar. You will not be drawn to Me by any curiosity or shallow virtue. Only a firm faith, a steady hope and a burning love will draw you to Me and keep you loyal to Me.

You Ignore This Warning At Your Own Peril!


Sunday Snippets - September 22, 2013

It's Sunday (I'm cheating again) and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's This That and The Other Thing  where you are sure to find some interesting blogs. It is worth your time to visit!   This week we were asked to tell you what we like about our parish. For me it is simple: our Pastor who evidences his deep abiding love in and for the Eucharist by the way He celebrates Mass and by the witness he gives us by praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Let me share three of my posts: Monday Musings - Do You Really Want To Remain Silent? Eucharistic Reflection - If We Need You Lord (And We Certainly Do) Why Do So Few Of Us pend Time In Your Presence? Eucharistic Adoration and Pope Francis

Pope Francis and Eucharistic Adoration

Have not yet seen the following excerpt get much play or discussion. Have you? From the recent interview of our Holy Father, we learn that, he, like his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, makes a holy hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament every evening. Certainly, if our Holy Father makes Eucharistic Adoration a priority of his daily life, we, if we really wanted to, can and should find one hour each week to do likewise. Why the on-going reluctance to promote this most vital devotion - one that Our Lord Himself has asked us to do?

Eucharistic Reflection - If We Need You Lord (And We Most Certainly Do) Why Do So Few of Us Spend Time in Your Presence?

Forgive me Lord, my heart is heavy today. For more than a decade I have coordinated Perpetual Eucharist Adoration in one parish and have tried to promote this most needed devotion elsewhere - often running into lukewarm support or outright opposition. The continuation of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration as we have come to treasure It in this particular parish and to which many of us have devoted the past twelve years of our lives is now in real jeopardy. Why?

Monday Musings – Do You Really Want to Remain Silent?

( In today’s second reading from the Office of Readings (Ez 2.8-3.11,17-21), God uses His prophet Ezekiel to challenge us – another one of those hard teachings for those of us living in what some are describing as the post-Christian era. What do I mean? Let me explain.

Sunday Snippets - September 15, 2013

 (Basilica of Sacred Heart at Notre Dame) It's Sunday (well almost) and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place  where you are sure to find something that will touch your heart and speak to your soul. Take a few minutes and visit! Choosing only two blogs that I enjoy, as we were requested to do this week, is tough but here are my choices: Vultus Christi and Dominicana .  (Of course, every Sunday, I take a look at all those who participate in Sunday Snippets.) Here are my contributions this week:   Eucharistic Reflection - Does Jesus Live Within You? God calls Us to Come Adore Him! Why Do We Ignore His Invitation? Pondering Tidbits of Truth - September 12, 2013 Waking Up Catholic - A Book Review

Waking Up Catholic - A Book Review

Although I have an insatiable reading appetite, I have not often ventured into the realm of writing book reviews. When Chad R. Torgerson asked whether or not I would read and write a review of his book, Waking Up Catholic - A Guide toCatholic Beliefs for Converts, Reverts, and Anyone Becoming Catholic , I decided to say “Yes”.   For unknown technological reasons, I was unable able to get my “free” copy to download properly. So I just purchased the book. I am glad that I did.    This book fills a real need that Catholics, former Catholics and non-Catholics share - providing basic, clear conversational explanations of some fundamental and often misunderstood Truths of the Catholic Faith.   This is a need that has only increased over time. When I read the book’s introduction, I immediately recalled what the late Venerable Fulton J. Sheen once observed “There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who ...

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - September 12 , 2013

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA) Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. St. John Chrysostom   “At times we dedicate all our efforts not only to what is superfluous but also to what is useless or even harmful, while we abandon the study of Sacred Scripture. Many people who are completely enthused over the horse races can quickly come up with the name, pedigree, race, nation, and training of the horses; their age, which horse would win the race against some other one, and an individual horse’s potential to pass the winning-post first, when mounted by a given rider, all spring immediately to mind…If, however, we ask them the number of St. Paul’s epistles, they are incapable of an answer.” (Homilies on certain passages from the New Testament, I,1)

God Calls Us to Come and Adore Him! Why Do We Ignore His Invitation?

Photography©Michael Seagriff Few individuals write as passionately and fervently of the need for us to adore Our Lord, Who though still physically here with and among us, is for the most part ignored and left alone, than Father Mark. Visit him regularly  at Vultus Christi . He speaks particularly to his brother priests - a message we must help him share. This week is no exception. Do yourself, your loved ones and the priests you know a favor - read, ponder and share the two articles Father posted this week. In Faith: a Spark of Fire and Light , he discusses how our visits to the Blessed Sacrament are both an act of faith and a means to make our sufferings and those we love more bearable. Father invites us in I Know Your Heart's Desire to love Him in the Eucharist not only for ourselves but also for priests "whose hearts have grown indifferent and cold". There is nothing more important or more needed than making the Eucharist the sou...

Eucharistic Reflection - Does Jesus Live Within You?

“The holy Gospels tell us again and again that while the Savior was visibly with us on earth He healed the sick by His mere passing by; and with an only word He raised the dead to life. If such were His active goodness then – and who would venture even to think of doubting it? – what works of charity must He do now, in His Eucharistic life! Oh, He does not merely pass before me now, He does not only speak to me – nay, He actually enters under my roof and transforms me into Himself.  

Monday Musings - Mortification

(Image from If God used Balaam’s donkey to get that prophet’s attention, I guess he can use me to get yours. May these periodic postings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month (God willing) generate fruitful discussion and faithful change.   Other than during Lent, when was the last time you heard anyone preach on “mortification”? - probably as frequently as you have heard about sin, penance and the four last things.   I ask that question today because I recently ran across another one of my forgotten index cards hidden in the back of my desk drawer. The card was a stark reminder that mortification was never intended to be practiced just for Lent and should go beyond our simply giving up candy, dessert, favorite televisions shows, or internet access for a few days, as desirable and beneficial as those small sacrifices would be.  

Sunday Snippets - September 1, 2013

(Photography©Michael Seagriff)   It's Sunday and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place  where you are sure to find something that will interest you. Come visit!   My answers to RAnn's question of  the week: I am the coordinator of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and a weekday Lector Here are two of my posts: Eucharistic Reflection - Meeting God Face to Face Pondering Tidbits of Truth - August 29, 2013