Eucharistic Reflection - If We Need You Lord (And We Most Certainly Do) Why Do So Few of Us Spend Time in Your Presence?
Forgive me Lord, my heart is heavy today.
How can this be?
My heart is a little less heavy now. How about yours?
For more than a decade I have coordinated Perpetual Eucharist Adoration in one parish and have tried to promote this most needed devotion elsewhere - often running into lukewarm support or outright opposition.
The continuation of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration as we have come to treasure It in this particular parish and to which many of us have devoted the past twelve years of our lives is now in real jeopardy.
This is the question we keep asking ourselves.
There are more than 850 parishioners and at least another 12,000 "registered" Catholics within an 18 mile radius of this chapel. Yet we struggle to keep our Lord company during the 168 hours that comprise each week.
Our Lord hungers for us to come and adore Him. Jesus deserves nothing less.
What could be more important to our Catholic Faith than a vibrant and committed belief in and devotion to the Lord Who remains physically among us but Who for the most part is ignored? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Sadly, He Who is Love is not loved.
The truthful answer, the one which makes so many Catholics, priest and laity alike, uncomfortable whenever it is articulated, is that so few of those professing to be Catholic actually believe that Jesus is really and substantially present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
This rampant unbelief in an essential Truth of our Faith and our failure to address this tragedy is the real crisis in our Church.
Rediscovering and re-experiencing this awesome Truth and Gift will end that crisis, draw people back to the Catholic Church, transform lives, parishes, communities and ultimately the world.
This is what God wants. This is what He deserves. This is what we owe Him. This is what He will bring about in His perfect timing.
We must trust Him!
We must trust Him!
To remove any doubt, He lead me to the following inspiring song posted by on YouTube and sung at World Youth Day's Eucharistic Adoration. You can view it here. Please do so.