God Calls Us to Come and Adore Him! Why Do We Ignore His Invitation?

Photography©Michael Seagriff
Few individuals write as passionately and fervently of the need for us to adore Our Lord, Who though still physically here with and among us, is for the most part ignored and left alone, than Father Mark. Visit him regularly  at Vultus Christi.

He speaks particularly to his brother priests - a message we must help him share. This week is no exception.

Do yourself, your loved ones and the priests you know a favor - read, ponder and share the two articles Father posted this week.
In Faith: a Spark of Fire and Light, he discusses how our visits to the Blessed Sacrament are both an act of faith and a means to make our sufferings and those we love more bearable.

Father invites us in I Know Your Heart's Desire to love Him in the Eucharist not only for ourselves but also for priests "whose hearts have grown indifferent and cold".
There is nothing more important or more needed than making the Eucharist the source, center and summit of our Church and our lives. How foolish we are to ignore this Truth and this great Gift.