Book Review - A Storyteller's Guide to a Grace-Filled Life - Voume II by Tony Agnesi

Book Review of A Storyteller’s Guide to a GRACE-FILLED Life – Volume II by Tony Agnesi Want To Know How To Eat An Elephant? What a gift Tony Agnesi has to simply live each day and then share what he observed, whom he interacted with, and what he did or what he failed to do to promote the Kingdom of God. He shows how easy it is to be Christ-like to those struggling emotionally, physically and spiritually if we would but open our eyes and our hearts. It makes no difference where Tony is – work, Church, walking down a street, eating at a restaurant, or in jail – he loves to share his faith. In A Storyteller’s Guide to a GRACE-FILLED Life – Volume II , he challenges us not to ignore the many opportunities God puts in our path daily to lead souls into His loving embrace. In fact, all of us should adopt Tony's daily prayer : Lord, put someone in my path today that I can help. Nothing he writes is contrived. It is simply Tony being Tony – a simple but very gifted...