Book Review - A Storyteller's Guide to a Grace-Filled Life - Voume II by Tony Agnesi

Book Review of A Storyteller’s Guide to a GRACE-FILLED Life – Volume II by Tony Agnesi

Want To Know How To Eat An Elephant?

What a gift Tony Agnesi has to simply live each day and then share what he observed, whom he interacted with, and what he did or what he failed to do to promote the Kingdom of God. He shows how easy it is to be Christ-like to those struggling emotionally, physically and spiritually if we would but open our eyes and our hearts. 

It makes no difference where Tony is – work, Church, walking down a street, eating at a restaurant, or in jail – he loves to share his faith. In A Storyteller’s Guide to a GRACE-FILLED Life – Volume II, he challenges us not to ignore the many opportunities God puts in our path daily to lead souls into His loving embrace. In fact, all of us should adopt Tony's daily prayer: Lord, put someone in my path today that I can help.

Nothing he writes is contrived. It is simply Tony being Tony – a simple but very gifted soul, a man of great faith, who tries to live the Gospel message out in his daily life. 

Tony invites us to imagine we were “waiting to enter the gates of heaven,” and saw “a friend being condemned to hell”. What do you think your friend might ask you? I’m not telling. You will have to read the book!

Tony loves to ask questions. Here are a few: 

                                What are you on the inside?
                                Do you control your tongue?
                                Are you afraid to live and share your faith in public?
                                Do you simply go along with prevailing public opinion to avoid being ridiculed?

One moment this author tugs at your heart telling you why young women that he has coached or met in jail and who have had no positive earthly father-figure in their lives wish they were his daughters. A few pages later he reminds us that “God Grants Mulligans.”. Elsewhere in the book, he hilariously describes the different flavors of Catholics he has met. Why he will even tells us how to eat an elephant!

Yes, my friend is a story-teller extraordinaire. You will find the forty-three stories in A Storyteller’s Guide to a GRACE-FILLED Life – Volume II inspirational and thought-provoking. You certainly will find some challenging. I have no doubt, however, that you will find all well-worth your time. After you put this book down, you will probably see our loving Lord more often in the souls you encounter.

I have reviewed Tony’s two previous books, (here and here if you are interested) so you will not be surprised that I enjoyed this one as well. Once again, Tony Agnesi has given us much to ponder.  Get your copy now.

As is true of his other books, all the proceeds realized from sales go directly to benefit several charities close to Tony’s heart.

Keep those stories coming Tony!