Worth Revisiting - Life Is A Warfare, A Battle

Thank you Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for hosting Catholic bloggers at Worth Revisiting . It is a privilege for us to share our work with you and your readers . Stop by for a visit now . Life Is A Warfare, A Battle (Originally posted June 25, 2014) [If we are to enjoy the Beatific Vision for all eternity, we must, as so many spiritual writers teach, first know and identify who our enemy is. Who seeks to sever our relationship with the Source of eternal life? Who is it that seeks our eternal damnation? How do we defeat this enemy? Father James F. McElhone, C.S.C answers these questions with some specific and sage advice about spiritual combat, prayer and the acquisition of virtue:] (Source: Wikimedia Commons ) “…to acquire any virtue, pray. Life is a warfare, a battle. The greatest battles have been fought, not on fields re...