Worth Revisiting - Being Consciously in the Presence of God

We thank Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for hosting Worth Revisiting every Wednesday . S top for a visit now . It is a privilege to share the following post with you . Monday Musings - Being Consciously in the Presence of God (Originally published June 5, 2017) At times, we may tell ourselves it is too difficult to be conscious of and with God each day. There is not enough time, we moan, to complete the unending tasks in front of us - projects which frequently leave us feeling overburdened and exhausted with little time for our Lord . We would be mistaken. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons) In his classic book, The Practice of the Presence of God , Brother Lawrence tells us that everything we do during the course of the day can place us in God's Presence if all is done for the love of God. "I began to live," Brother Lawrence wrote, "as if t...