Pondering Tidbits of Truth - August 10, 2017
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
Father Jacques
“Íf people know what they must do today and commit
themselves to doing it and leave tomorrow to God’s providence, all is well.
What more can anyone do? Take the step that needs taking today. Take another
step tomorrow. Every day will have its own steps to take.”
(From March 20, 2017 Reflections
of the Frassati Fellowship-New York City)
Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O.
“To human eyes how did Jesus
differ from the thieves who were condemned and crucified with Him? If some
stranger had come to Jerusalem that Friday afternoon and passed Calvary before
darkness enfolded it, how could he tell that the middle cross held Innocence
and the Redemption of mankind? He would have seen three naked men dying by degrees.
How could he know that One was not only the Light of the World but the Life of
all living? Mary had eyes of flesh and she saw the beaten, bloody body of her
Son upon the nails. She saw that body taken down. She held it. She counted the
wounds. She untangled the blood-matted hair. She folded the nerveless arms. She
closed the gaping mouth. She straightened the lifeless legs. She knew she was
holding a corpse. Yet in that corpse she adored the Christ of God and the Jesus
of men. Was there ever such faith on earth?"
(From God, A Woman and the Way)
St. Pius X
“Without interior life, we will
never have the strength to persevere in sustaining all the difficulties
inseparable from any apostolate, the coldness and lack of co-operation even on
the part of virtuous men, the calumnies of our adversaries, and at times even
the jealousy of friends and comrades in arms…Only a patient
virtue, unshakably based upon the good, and at the same time smooth and
tactful, is able to move these difficulties to one side and diminish their
(From June 11, 1905
Encyclical to the Priests of Italy)