Pondering Tidbits of Truth - August 23, 2017

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Blessed Alvaro del Porillo

[What do people want and expect from the priest:]  "They need, desire and hope – perhaps without thus consciously reasoning out such a need or hope – for a priest who is a priest one hundred percent; a man who shows an ardent concern for them by opening up new horizons for their souls, who exercises his ministry without ceasing, and who has a big heart capable of understanding and loving everyone, though at times his concern may not be reciprocated."

(From On The Priesthood)

St. Teresa of Calcutta

“We worship Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for four hours every morning, and then we go out and find Him all day in the gutters of Calcutta. Social workers can’t do that.”

(From The Wanderer Online Daily - July 29, 2017)

Father Francis Fernandez

“The real place of the laity is not the sacristy, but the family, business, fashion and sport…fields of endeavor in which in their own right they must try to bring God. The mission of the laity must lead them to imbue family, work and the social order with the Christian principles that raise these areas of human living to the supernatural order and thus make them more human; the laity’s business is the dignity and primacy of the human person, social solidarity, the sanctity of marriage, responsible freedom, love for the truth, respect for justice on all levels, the spirit of service, and the practice of mutual understanding and of charity…"

(From In Conversation With God, Vol 7:10.2)