“Were we to communicate only once in our life, our whole life, however long it might be, would not be too long to prepare ourselves worthily for receiving so holy and so awful a mystery. This should not, however, keep us from it. It should only urge us to approach it with the requisite dispositions. We are wrong, then, when we say: '' I will not communicate, because I feel I am unworthy." We should say, on the contrary: “I will endeavor, as far as possible, by the innocence and regularity of my life, to make myself worthy to communicate." To approach worthily, is to believe ourselves unworthy; while, at the same time, we do what we can to make ourselves less unworthy. A single good Communion is enough to make a Saint. Not much more is necessary than a good will, and a few reflections, in order to make a good Communion. Those who communicate...