Pondering Tidbits of Truth - May 21, 2015
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets
of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
Monsignor Ronald A. Knox
“Why did the Lord include so many
fishermen among his Apostles? ... What were the good points that He saw in
them? I think there was one thing which He specially appreciated in those who
were to be his Apostles: an unshakeable patience ... They had worked all night
and had caught nothing; long hours of waiting after which the grey light of
dawn was to bring them their reward; but there was none.
What a lot of waiting the Church of Christ has had to endure throughout the
centuries ... patiently extending her invitation and leaving grace to do its
work! ... What does it matter if she has worked very hard in one place or
another and reaped very little for her Master? On the basis of his word; in
spite of everything, she will launch her nets again until such time as His
grace, the limits of which are in no way proportioned to human efforts, brings
her again a new catch of fish.”
(Sermon preached on
the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 1947)
Jesus to St. Catherine of Siena
"The willing desire to suffer
every pain and hardship even to the point of death for the salvation of souls
is very pleasing to me. The more you bear, the more you show your love for me.
In loving me you come to know more of my truth, and the more you know, the more
intolerable pain and sorrow you will feel when I am offended"
(From The Dialogue)
Josemaria Escriva
It is time for us Christians to
shout from the rooftops that work is a gift from God and that it makes no'
sense to classify men differently, according to their occupation, as if some
jobs were nobler or of less significance than others. Work; all work bears
witness to the dignity of man, to his dominion over creation. It is an
opportunity to develop one's personality. It is a bond of union with others,
the way to support one's family, a means of contributing to the improvement of
the society in which we live and to the progress of all humanity.
(From Christ Is Passing