The love of Father Mark for the Eucharist is once again reflected in the following prayer that he offered after Christmas Day Vespers and that he posted on his blog , Vultus Christi. THY GLORY SO HIDDEN, AND THY LOVE SO DESPISED Lord Jesus Christ , God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten of the Father before the daystar, and consubstantial with Him, born in the fullness of time of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I adore Thee, who art truly present here, and, out of my own poverty and weakness, I desire to make reparation for those who do not adore Thee in this wondrous Sacrament, and for those who deny the mystery of Thy real presence. I would make reparation as well for those who approach Thee without reverence, for those who touch, and handle, and receive Thy adorable Body with coldness, with indifference, and with little awareness of the immensity of Thy charity burning in this Most Holy Sacrament...