An Early Christmas Present!

Soon the stirring words of that all time favorite Christmas hymn, O Come Let Us Adore Him, will be sung in our Churches, reminding us of the real reason for the Christmas Season. For too many of us that will be the last time we think of adoring our Lord and Savior until we sing those words again next December 25th.

How tragic! Our Lord waits behind locked tabernacle doors, 24 hours a day every day, eagerly looking for your visit, your words of praise and adoration, your prayerful petitions, your tears of sorrow and despair, your plea for help, your humble acknowledgement that You love Him, that you are dependent on Him and that you will never be happy until you are one with Him.

For the most part He waits in vain - rarely a visitor appears to comfort and adore Him.

Stop ignoring He Who is love! Make it a point to stop in at least once during the week every week, even if it just to say "Hi Lord, it's Harry (or Joyce, or Benjamin, or Esther, or whomever you are) I love you!"

You will comfort His sorrowful Heart and He will change yours.

(Image source: Dominicana)