Why God Deserves To Be Adored!

Let us end this year and enter the new one pondering the vastness of the following Truth and how we should respond to It:

The act of adoration expresses the realization that God is greatness, pure and simple, and that man is smallness, pure and simple; that God exists by reason of Himself and in Himself, but man only through God and by God's grace.

Adoration affirms: "Thou are God; I am man. Thou art the One that truly is, self-created, substantial from all eternity. I am only through Thee and in Thy sight. Thou has plentitude of being and all fullness of value, all sublimity of meaning; Thou are Lord and unto Thyself. The meaning of my existence, however, is derived from Thine. I live in Thy light and the measure of my existence is in Thee." 

(From the Art of Praying by Monsignor Romano Guardini)

Let us also end this last blog entry for 2011 with an inspiring hymn and a heartfelt blessing for a happy and holy New Year !

                                   (Video  credit to RheaMarvanne.com and You Tube)

Eucharistic Reflection

If only souls knew the power to purify and to transform
that emanates from My tabernacles!
If only My priests knew this
they would hasten into My presence
and remain there,
waiting for Me to do in them
what, of themselves, they cannot do.

(From In Sinu Iesu, The Journal of a Priest)

Holiness Through Adoration

I will never understand the opposition some of our priests have to participating in and encouraging their parishioners to participate in Eucharstic Adoration.

What follows is another pearl from Father Mark and from In Sinu Jesu, The Journal of a Priest

                                                     Holiness Through Adoration

Please share this with your Pastor.

Eucharistic Reflection

 "The principal sorrow which afflicted the heart of Jesus so much was not the sight of the torments and infamy which men were preparing for him, but the sight of their ingratitude towards his immense love. He distinctly foresaw all the sins which we should commit after all his sufferings and such a bitter and ignominious death. He foresaw, especially, the horrible insults which men would offer to his adorable heart, which he has left us in the Most Holy Sacrament as a proof of his affection. O my God, what affronts has not Jesus Christ received from men in this Sacrament of love?

 (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Pray For More Dominican Vocations!

Another gifted young Dominican speaks of his vocation.

LOOK INSIDE - Forgotten Truths To Set Faith AFire! - Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct

Want to see more of what "Forgotten Truths To Set Fire ! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct" has to offer? Amazon.com has added its "Look Inside" feature. Jump in and explore before you buy your personal copy!  If you like what you see, would you consider passing this on to family and friends who might also enjoy this book?

Christmas Memories

Most of us recall the joy and excitement we experienced as young children singing Christmas carols and happy birthday to Jesus while waiting to see what gifts Santa would leave under our tree.  How many times did my siblings and I resolve to catch the jolly old man in the act only to fall fast asleep – many hours later than Mom and Dad would have liked?  Strange how we could not quite understand why they looked so tired as we exploded into their bedroom at 3 A.M. and at fifteen minute intervals thereafter until they finally conceded defeat, crawled out of bed, and witnessed our glee and excitement.

After becoming parents ourselves, we acquired a greater appreciation for the many sacrifices Mom and Dad had made to bring joy to our silly trusting little hearts.  Of course, Christmas was not Christmas unless we went to Church, left a gift, and had a special dinner. Those of us blessed with such precious memories have done our best to re-create them for our own children and grandchildren.  I treasure all those memories. There have been, however, several unique Christmases that helped me better understand the reason for celebrating Christ’s birth. Three of them come to mind.

In 1968 I was more than 8000 miles from home, in a nation at war. We spent much of a brutally hot and humid day, filling sandbags to reinforce our sagging bunkers, only to spend most of that night in those same shelters, seeking to shield ourselves from a seemingly unending barrage of rocket and mortar fire.  The night was not silent. There was no peace; little good will was evident.  This is what happens when men forget the Prince of Peace. 

 Fifteen years later, some 20 miles from home, I found myself surrounded by an ocean of razor wire and unwelcoming prison staff, upset they had to be on duty instead of being with their families. The inmates we came to visit, on the other hand, radiated the joy and peace of the Season, appreciative that someone cared enough to come as a representative of a merciful and forgiving God.  Tears of gratitude for this gesture of love flowed from Juan’s eyes, as he handed me a Christmas card. It had cost him $2.50, his entire weekly salary. It was my turn to cry.

 In 2007, our son came home for Christmas. How excited my wife and I were to pick him up at the Rochester airport Christmas Eve - his cross country flight so long delayed because of wintry weather conditions.  What a great Christmas gift! We enjoyed his company as we chatted nonstop during the drive home, arriving there shortly before 1 A.M.  Our son was exhausted. It was difficult to just drop him off at our home and immediately leave, but we had a long standing and important commitment to fulfill.  He understood that a magnificent gift awaited his parents just a mile away. It was quiet and peaceful as we entered the Adoration Chapel in our Church where for the next two hours we were blessed to celebrate Christmas with and to be in the presence of the Prince of Peace.

Two Truths - Two Questions

At least, two essential truths flow from today’s Gospel: “Nothing is impossible with God!” and “Let it be it done to me according to His will!” It is upon these foundational stones that we must live our earthly lives.

What intellectual, emotional and spiritual maturity Mary displayed! She was, after all, just a teenager, one whom some believe at an earlier age had vowed her virginity to God. What courage she had to ask the angel Gabriel, "How can that be? I know not man." What grace God showered on her that she might have the faith to step forward and do what He was asking of her, something which from the eyes of the world was impossible, made little sense and would, in fact, place her at risk of being stoned. To have such faith in God is to be His fearless and trusting servant.

How many times have we disappointed God by scoffing at what He was prompting us to do, believing that it was impossible to do what He asked of us, or that we were not worthy or talented enough to do so or that we were afraid of what others might think of us or do to us if we obeyed His directions? When God asks us to do something, we should do it – immediately, without hesitation and with full confidence that He will achieve His will through us – no matter how improbable or impossible or difficult or counter cultural His request may appear. How often has that been our response?

It had been widely popular a few years back to suggest that before taking any action, we should ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do?” Fair enough. Today’s readings suggest another worthwhile question: “What is Jesus asking me to do?”

Bet our lives and the lives of those around us would be substantially different if we got into the habit of asking ourselves both of these questions. What do you think?

The Source of Abundant Life

Who and where is the real source of power to sustain oneself on life's journeys and to fuel a lifetime of service to others? - a required and reluctantly performed community service project or frequent time in the Presence of the living God? Shouldn't the answer be  obvious? Look at how they respond to Him!

Why are we Catholics so reluctant to come into His Presence? Can there really be anyone or anything more important than and more entitled to our love, time and presence than He Who loves and died for us?

More than two centuries ago, Jesus invited Peter, James and John to pray with Him. They went to sleep instead, not once but three times. Our Lord asked them: "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" He extends the same inviation to each of us.  Sadly, He still finds most of us asleep.

The invitation and need to spend time in His Presence did not end when the Year of the Eucharist concluded. It's a lifetime gig, joy and blessing! Come!

(Video credit to Grassroot Films and YouTube)

Eucharistic Reflection

"To cast fire upon the earth—that is my mission! And how I wish it were already blazing fiercely! Nothing in the world can set hearts ablaze with love for God like the Blessed Sacrament. That is why this divine bread has been pictured as a furnace of love. Saint Catherine of Siena saw far-reaching flames coming from this furnace of love and spreading throughout the world. Seeing this, Catherine simply could not understand how so many people could live without loving God.

"My Lord, set me on fire with love for you. Let me think of nothing, crave for nothing, yearn for nothing, search for nothing, but you. How I wish to be caught up in this scorching fire of love! How I wish it would consume every obstacle that blocks my path toward you! Make my love for you grow stronger each day of my life."

(St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Who Doesn't Need to Laugh?



(Credit for Photographs to Len Bailes)

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow!" - Not the Song But the Book, "Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct"

Finally, you can get a copy of Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! – Words To Challenge, Inspire and Instruct 

First and foremost I want to thank God for allowing this labor of love to progress this far!

I’ll be perfectly honest with you. I have never done anything like this. This is my first experience in compiling and marketing a book. I have been blessed to receive much encouragement, amazing assistance and many fine suggestions.

I am self-publishing this book not to make money but in obedience to long standing promptings to do so. I have priced it as modestly as I could to still qualify for sale on Amazon.com. and through its distribution channels and to have some reasonable chance of recouping my expenses.

These Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! are a great way to refresh and reignite your understanding of the truths of the Catholic Faith, to learn them for the first time, or to share them with those you love.

If somehow this is the first time you are hearing about Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! you can learn more about its purpose here and its content here.

If everyone who views this message and who is actually intending to buy a copy of this book, would make their Amazon.com purchase on the same day, TOMORROW, December 8, 2011, the Patronal Feastday of the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother, you will be giving this book a great opportunity to be noticed. Just click this link tomorrow if you want to buy a copy of Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! 

Unfortunately, the “Look Inside” feature offered by Amazon.com that allows you to check out parts of the book and to get a flavor of what this book has to offer you before purchasing it, will not, I have just discovered, be activated for a few weeks. In a sense then, other than reviewing the excerpts you can
access from the links set forth in a previous paragraph of this message, you would be stepping out in faith to buy a copy now.

If that is not being bold enough, I’m asking you to go above and beyond just purchasing a copy of this book tomorrow on December 8, 2011 but to forward this message to your friends and family with a recommendation they also participate in the December 8 purchase party as well.

Where has this timid man acquired such chutzpah? – through the power and prompting of the Holy Spirit!

Not to worry if you are unable to purchase this book on December 8 or get this message too late to do so, it will still be available for purchase after that date.  

There will be a Kindle version on Amazon.com in a few weeks. Unfortunately, it will not be available on December 8th.

Thank you for visiting my blog and considering this book. If it causes one person to better understand or more fully live their Catholic Faith or return to the Faith, this labor of love would have been well worth it.

God bless those who grace this site with their presence. A Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Gifts No Priest Can Do Without!

God gives Himself and His Mother to His priests - gifts that never stop giving!

How is this for a timely and priceless present for our beloved priests?

Thank you Father Mark.  Pass it on!

Reflecting On Advent

As we travel through this earthly sphere and are confronted with many challenges and obstacles to our spiritual and eternal well-being, the prophet Isaiah reminds us to take comfort knowing that there is a loving God, who sent His only Son to take on human flesh, to live among, us, to suffer and die a cruel and painful death on our behalf, and to rise from the dead in order to restore life – all of this to atone for our sins and to reinstate the opportunity for each of us to reclaim our heavenly inheritance – one we do not deserve and could never earn.

He is our good Shepherd who when we stumble and fall, is ever present and ready to forgive us, to pick us up, to hold us in His arms, and to lead and welcome us home  - if we but humble ourselves and ask.

Relying on God’s grace, may we use the rest of Advent to prepare a place in our hearts for the infant King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, our loving Savior, Jesus Christ! He has already saved space in His Sacred Heart for each of us.


Publication is really just around the corner - any day now, God willing!

While we await that happy event, several have asked if I could provide them with a further glimpse into the book. You'll have an opportunity to "Look Inside" before purchasing the book once it is listed on Amazon.com. In the meanwhile, I lack the technological skills to replicate what Amazon.com will be doing on their site. I have, however, copied and pasted the Alphabetical Index of Topics and a few randomly selected sample quotations to help satisfy your present curiosity.

Is their some other specific topic that you would like to sample?

I welcome your comments.

The Wrong Question!

A number of commentators are wringing their hands over what they perceive to be another unfairness that will flow from the revised translations to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. How, they lament, will the Catholics who attend Mass only twice a year, be able to participate in a liturgy whose words will be so different from those they last heard?

Wrong question!

The correct one to ask is why are all those Catholics who attend Mass only twice a year not fearful of spending eternity in hell for failing to obey God's commandment? This query should be quickly followed up with two others: Why won't this issue be discussed with these infrequent Mass attendees and why will so few of them be reminded not to approach our Lord in the Holy Eucharist if they have not been fulfilling their obligation to actively participate in weekly Sunday Mass without first bathing themselves in the healing and forgiving waters of a sacramental confession?

He Belongs In Our Streets!

Why are we so ashamed of Him? Why do we hesitate to bring Him with us occasionally on to the streets we walk each day? An unrepentant sinner's momentary glance at our passing Lord might be the personal encounter that person needs to spur him toward reconciliation and eternal salvation. Jesus is alive, really and substantially present among us! He is ready to change the lives of all who humble themselves, confess their sins and acknowledge Him as their Savior and Lord! Matthew the tax collector climbed a tree in order to get a better glimpse of Jesus as He passed him by. Matthew got much more than a look. He repented and the merciful loving Jesus made him a disciple, a martyr and a saint.

 A simple glance at our passing Lord can change so many lives. Why don't we believe this truth?

 If they can walk with Jesus through the streets of NYC, shouldn't we do likewise in our communities?

Monday Musings - What If?

  My all time favorite one sentence sermon by Father Francis Hudson, S.C.J.   : What if God loved you, only as much as you loved Him? Now th...


MOST AMIABLE JESUS "I humbly implore Thee by Thy ignominious Scourging, The Crowning with Thorns, Thy Holy Cross, and by all Thy Goodness, not to permit me to pass out of this world without having received Thy most holy Sacraments." -Prayer of St. Vincent Ferrer


"Eternal Father, all things are possible for You. Although You created us without our assistance, You will not save us unless we help. Therefore, I pray You re-create their wills so that they wish for what they do not wish for: I ask this of Your infinite mercy. You have created us out of nothing. Now that we exist have mercy on us. Re-make the vessel which You created in Your own image and likeness. Bring them back to Your grace through the grace and blood of You Son, the beloved Jesus Christ."

The Fatima Chaplet of Adoration and Reparation