While we await that happy event, several have asked if I could provide them with a further glimpse into the book. You'll have an opportunity to "Look Inside" before purchasing the book once it is listed on In the meanwhile, I lack the technological skills to replicate what will be doing on their site. I have, however, copied and pasted the Alphabetical Index of Topics and a few randomly selected sample quotations to help satisfy your present curiosity.
Is their some other specific topic that you would like to sample?
I welcome your comments.
Alphabetical Index of Topics
Abandonment to God’s Will 56
Abortion 252
Absolute Truth 265
Almsgiving 50
Angels 181
Anger 119
Baptismal Promises 74
Beatitudes 32
Cardinal or Moral Virtues 134
Catholic Church Founded by
Christ 265
Catholic Politicians 279
Communion of Saints 184
Confession 158
Conscience 110
Contemplation 85
Contraception 256
Conversion 113
Corporal Works of Mercy 30
Death 187
Discouragement 121
Dissent 273
Divine Mercy 5
Duty of Man 28
Eucharist 209
Eucharistic Adoration 221
Evangelization 35
Evil 97
Eyes of God 11
Faith/Faithfulness 135
Fasting 163
Fear 122
First Friday Devotions 295
First Saturday Devotions 297
Forgiveness 7
Four Last Things 190
Fraternal Correction 45
Freedom 268
Fruits of the Holy Spirit 156
Gifts of the Holy Spirit 157
God’s Will 53
Good/Goodness 138
Gospel of Life 249
Grace 153
Happiness/Joy 138
Heaven 194
Hell 195
Heresy 276
Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire!
340 341
Alphabetical Index of Topics
Holiness 19
Hope 141
Humility 144
Joseph 178
Judgment 193
Justice/Mercy 8
Knowledge of God 23
Laity-Their Proper Role 33
Love 42
Love of God 39
Lukewarmness 125
Marriage 258
Mary 173
Meditation 82
Modesty 146
Mortification 167
Natural Law 269
Nature of God 1
Nature of Man 15
Obedience 150
Our Profession of Catholic
Faith 75
Patience 151
Penance 114
Perfection 22
Perseverance 59
Prayer 77
Precepts of the Church 72
Presence of God 12
Pride 127
Priests 240
Purgatory 203
Purpose of Life 16
Redemption/Salvation 3
Reparation 129
Rosary 88
Sacraments 155
Sacred Heart 227
Saints 183
Satan 95
Scripture 90
Self-Knowledge 24
Seven Deadly Sins 117
Silence 92
Sin 100
Social Justice vs. Salvation of Souls
Spiritual Combat 98
Spiritual Direction 169
Spiritual Progress 170
Spiritual Works of Mercy 31
Suffering 60
Sunday Obligation 70
Teaching 289
Temptation 107
Ten Commandments 69
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
The Little Way 293
The Poor 47
The Tongue 127
Theological Virtues 133
Time 13
Tolerance 271
Truth 261
Trust 66
Virtue 131
Voting-Five Non-Negotiable Issues 290
Sample Quotations From Random Topics
Abandonment to God’s Will
Accept whatever happens to you as sent to you by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in order to unite yourself to Him. – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
... it does not matter what we do or where we are, as long as we bear in mind that we are His belonging, that Jesus can do with us whatever He wants, that we owe Him our love and that we love Him. Whether we work for the rich or on behalf of the poor, whether we work among people of high society or among inhabitants of the inner city, what is important is only the love we put into carrying out our job. – Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
It no longer matters to me what I do, or what I suffer, provided that I remain lovingly united to Your will. –Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
Lord, may I be content not only with the gifts You have given me, but also with the results that come from my best efforts. – Living Faith
The dialogue of salvation was not conditioned by the merits of those to whom it was directed; it was open to all men, without discrimination. – Pope Paul VI
Though Christ died for all; yet, not all will receive the benefit of His Death! – Council of Trent
It is not our actions, but the grace of our Redeemer, that is the principal cause of the hope of salvation. –St. Thomas Aquinas
For a small living, men run a great way, but for eternal life many will scarce move a single foot from the ground. – Thomas a Kempis
In order to desire to be saved, we must know we are lost. – Madeleine Delbrel, Servant of God
It would be wise for me to always remember that I must die and that I ought always to be ready. I should be able to go to bed at night and say: This night I may die; and if I die I am going to heaven…Would I do this or that if I knew I were to die this minute?...Live so death will never find me unprepared. I must always be ready. – Father Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S.
Life is given us that we may learn to die well, and we never think of it! To die well we must live well. – St. John Marie Vianney
God promises to receive the repentant sinner when he returns to Him, but nowhere does He promise to give him tomorrow. – St. Gregory
I enter into certain souls as into a second Passion. – Jesus to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
There is a mystery, the greatest of all mysteries – not that my adored Lord is in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar – His word has said it, and what is so simple as to take that word, which is true to itself? – but that souls of His own creation, whom He gave His life to save, who are endowed with His choicest gifts in all things else, should remain blind, insensible, and deprived of that light without which every other blessing is unavailing! –St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Oh, if only all souls knew who is living in our Churches, there would not be so many outrages and so much disrespect in these holy places. – St. Maria Faustina Kowalska