End of The Month Review
I usually take a look at my journal entries at the end of each month to refresh my aging mind as to what insight I might have received from that month's daily Mass readings but may have already forgotten. Never too profound are these simple notes. But sometimes, they do get my attention again. Thought I would share a few. May 3, 2011 Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. Would others come to know that by observing the way in which I live my life? Do I really know Jesus? That is to say, have I personally encountered this Jesus? Do I have a personal relationship with Him or do I treat Him as my lucky charm on Whom I can call in times of trials to extricate me from pending harm? How often do I talk to Him and His Father? Do I really listen to what they and the Holy Spirit have to say? The proof that I really believe in You Lord, John tells me (Jn 14:6-14), is if I am doing even greater works than You did! Oh…Oh…Why do I feel like someone just hit m...