Thinking of Your Heavenly Mother Today?

May the following song and reflection from St. Bernard lead to your frutiful contemplation of our Blessed Mother this day:

"When in danger, anguish, or in doubt, think about Mary, invoke Mary.  Let Mary always be on your lips, may she never be absent from your heart.  To obtain her help and intercession, always follow the example of her virtues.  You will not go astray, if you follow her.  You will not despair if you call to her.  You will not get lost if you think about her.  If she is holding you by the hand, you will not fall.  If she is protecting you, you have nothing to fear.  You will not grow weary if she is your guide.  You will reach port safely if she is looking after you."

One other suggestion: Don't forget to participate in the worldwide Rosary Crusade this Friday, May 13!

"O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee!"