Pondering Tidbits of Truth - February 7, 2025

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Peter Kreeft. Ph.D 

“What is the best argument for the evangelist to use when telling the Good News? The most effective one is joy. It’s irresistible because it’s what everyone deeply wants. We can put up walls of argument against arguments, but we can’t argue with joy.”

 (From The Mystery of Joy)


   Venerable Fulton J. Sheen 

"If you have never before prayed to Mary, do so now. Can you not see that if Christ himself willed to be physically formed in her for nine months and then be spiritually formed by her for thirty years, it is to her that we must go to learn how to have Christ formed in us? Only she who raised Christ can raise a Christian." 

(From Advent Meditations with Fulton J. Sheen)


 St. Therese of Lisieux

 "I know now that true charity consists in bearing all of our neighbors defects not being surprised at their weakness, but edified at their smallest virtues.”

 (From Stories of a Soul – The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux)