Pondering Tidbits of Truth - February 29, 2024

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Caryll Houselander "You see, God's will for you is to serve Him, in His way, as He chooses, now . It is only a want of humility to think of extreme vocations, like being a nun or a nurse, while you try to bypass your present obvious vocation, which is to restore your will to God's, so that you may become what He wants you to be, and may be able to use the faculties He has given to you for His service." (From The Letters of Caryll Houselander ) St. Paul of the Cross "Build an oratory within yourself, and there have Jesus on the altar of your heart. Speak to Him often while you are doing your work. Speak to Him of His holy love, of His holy sufferings and of the sorrow of most holy Mary." (From Flower of the Passion -Thoughts of St. Paul of the Cross) St. Francis de Sales "It is horrible irreverence to Him who with s...