Eucharistic Reflection - O Wonderful Mystery!

(From Hands At Mass by Walter Nurnberg)

“It is a small thing to Him [God] to send His holy angels to honor and visit us,  but that He, the King of angels, should come to His own servants, that He should visit the sick, and comfort the weak, and lift up the fallen, and console the desolate, and give heart to them who despair, and instruct them all who doubt, and call back those that wander, and refresh them that hunger, and give warmth to them that are lukewarm; in a word, that He should heal all our lethargy, and all our sins, and this not by any strange medicine, but by His own precious Body and Blood!

O wonderful mystery, O most high Sacrament, O unspeakable love, O unheard of bounty, in which the Giver is Himself the Gift, the servant eats his Lord, the creature receives his Maker the minister is commanded to sit at the table of the most high King, and is filled to overflowing with divine food, in which man is fed with the Bread of angels,  the Father distributed the Body of His only Begotten Son,  and gave His friends to drink, in all abundance, of the precious Blood of His dear Son! 

Who has ever heard of a greater or more lavish bounty? Where is the understanding they can look into and grasp the mysteries of this wonderful Sacrament? What more could God have done for us? How could He have more closely joined to us His most high Godhead, than to become our food, and to incorporate us wholly into Himself? For as bodily food, when taken by man, falls down softly into his inward parts and marishes all his members, and at length passes into his substance, so, in like manner, Christ let Himself sink down into our souls, in order to fill us wholly with Himself, and He drew all our powers into Himself.”

(From Meditations on the Life and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by John Tauler, O.P.)