Eucharistic Reflection - Be A Beggar-Soul

“There are beggar-souls whom God feeds without there doing anything for it, to whom He gives heaven in order to hear their eternal thanks, who go to heaven apparently in the midst of pleasures but in reality are sorely tried by everything and everybody, who seemed to do nothing good or worthwhile; but their hearts belong to God, their wills are resigned and theirs is a strong love, not a sentimental love that loves only an impulse. Precious souls indeed who make their purgatory on earth, who please the good God, and who always go to Him no matter how they feel or where they are. Be one of these souls. Take my word for it; go to our Lord like a beggar, a very poor beggar, but one who is loved and privileged, whose only virtue is gratitude, and whose only merit is to know how to ask and receive, to want to be always in debt for everything to his Benefactor, to add daily to the sum of his debts with joy, to be insolvent but loving. ‘Blessed are you who are poor; the Kingdom of God is ...