
Showing posts from May, 2021

Monday Musings - For Those Suffering From Amnesia


Catholics! Don’t Read This Book - It May Change Your Life

  Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections Let’s be frank. We are all guilty of inattention, indifference and irreverence toward the God Who lives among us and wishes to live within us. To have the Son of God here with us and not to spend time with Him is the same as telling Him that we are not interested in getting to know or have an intimate relationship with Him and that He is not welcome in our minds, hearts or souls. Like the Gadarenes (Matthew 8:28-34), we are telling the Son of God we do not want Him in, or to interfere with, our lives. We are telling God we are not interested - to leave. May our loving and waiting Lord use the 250 quotations in this book to increase belief in, reverence for, devotion to and love of His Eucharistic Presence, touch lukewarm hearts, stir slumbering souls, and re-ignite the flame of love for Him that He placed in our hearts the second He breathed life into them. Listen t...

Pondering Tidbits Of Truth - May 27, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time       Father Jacques Philippe The Eucharist is the highest expression of Divine Charity, of God's love for His creations. Through it, God shows how much He wants to be with us forever, sharing His own life with us, living with us and in us. As Father   Jean-Claude Sagne said, ‘What makes the Eucharist the Sacrament of love is that Jesus here gives Himself in person, in the fullness of His presence. He gives all that He is, the entirety of His life. More than any word or action, it is Jesus Himself who comes to us and delivers Himself into our hands. The Eucharist is a giving without limit on Jesus’ part: ‘This is My body, given up for you.’ What we receive in the Eucharist is Jesus in the very act of giving His life for all mankind, the act in which He personally loves each of us with the greatest of loves: ‘Greater love has no...

Eucharistic Reflection - Who Shall Dare To Assign Limits To The Omnipotence of God?

  (Photo©Michael Seagriff) “You are surprised, perhaps, to hear me speak of the Mass as a stupendous work. But what tongue, human or angelic, may ever describe a power so immeasurable as that exercised by the simplest priest in Mass? And who could ever have imagined that the voice of man, which by nature has not the power even to raise a straw from the ground, should obtain through grace a power so stupendous as to bring from Heaven to earth the Son of God? It is a greater power than that which would be required to change the place of mountains, to dry up seas, and to turn around the heavens; it even emulates, in a certain manner, that first fiat with which God brought all things out of nothing, and in some sort would seem to surpass that other fiat with which the sweet Virgin drew down into her bosom the Eternal Word. She did nothing else than supply matter for the body of Christ - made indeed from her most pure blood, but not by her, in the sense of her own potential act....