Catholics! Don’t Read This Book - It May Change Your Life

 Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections

Let’s be frank. We are all guilty of inattention, indifference and irreverence toward the God Who lives among us and wishes to live within us.

To have the Son of God here with us and not to spend time with Him is the same as telling Him that we are not interested in getting to know or have an intimate relationship with Him and that He is not welcome in our minds, hearts or souls. Like the Gadarenes (Matthew 8:28-34), we are telling the Son of God we do not want Him in, or to interfere with, our lives. We are telling God we are not interested - to leave.

May our loving and waiting Lord use the 250 quotations in this book to increase belief in, reverence for, devotion to and love of His Eucharistic Presence, touch lukewarm hearts, stir slumbering souls, and re-ignite the flame of love for Him that He placed in our hearts the second He breathed life into them.

Listen to Him speak as you read and ponder these truths. Take a close look at yourself. Recognize the many ways in which you offend Him daily. Feel His pain and anguish over being abandoned and ignored and treated irreverently. Understand how thirsty He is for your love. Then love and treat Him as He deserves.

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 Excerpts from Reviews

“This book accomplished what author Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and reflections on the Eucharist-our source and summit and surest Love. - Anne Costa

“Stirring Slumbering Souls is an eloquent treasury of Eucharistic reflections which you will enjoy reading over and over again…They were comforting, peaceful, insightful, and gave me a new appreciation and love for the Eucharist. I highly recommend this book for all who desire to grow in their love of Jesus in the Eucharist.” - Jean M. Heimann

“If you bring this book with you to adoration, there is material enough to meditate upon for weeks or even months. Seagriff then supplies ten questions for further reflection, testimonies of adorers, and various prayers. I can't imagine anyone reading this book without their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament increasing.” - Connie Rossini 

Stirring Slumbering Souls is a beautiful anthology from saints, mystics and friends of Jesus. This book has the potential to facilitate deeper reflection and response for its readers who truly seek to grow in their faith and appreciation for the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. For some, just one quote could bring the moment of change and profound conversion for which they have longed. For others, this will be a companion to them in their prayer times at home and in Church. As for me, it will be among my select and treasured go-to spiritual books.   Christine M. Arabik, M.A.

 “Michael Seagriff’s recently published, Stirring Slumbering Souls, gently reminds us that ‘to the Real Presence of Jesus, we often respond with our real absence!’ (Father Florian Racine). [The author responds to this sad truth] with a carefully researched collection of two-hundred and fifty meditations that document the Church’s response to Jesus’ call to intimacy.” - Don Mulcare

“Seagriff has done an exceptional job at bringing together all the voices, that we need to hear. Voices that sing the same song: Spend time with Jesus now, in faith. If you can’t find the time, or the desire, to spend time with Jesus now, then why should Jesus think that you would want to spend eternity with him, later?” - Ginny Lieto

Michael Seagriff describes himself as a simple man, but his thoughts and reflections, and his choice of 250 Eucharistic Reflections in Stirring Slumbering Souls, are anything but simple. Rather, his choice reflects his profound love of his Lord and his devotion to The Eucharist. Buy a copy and keep it with you to read and re-read. You will be profoundly moved.” - David Torkington

“I absolutely LOVED this book. The saints' quotes about the Eucharist were so profound. The author did a fantastic job getting inspirational quotes from so many different sources. I didn't want to put this book down and have purchased it as gifts for several friends” - Janeen  

"This is a gem of a book! Truly, these reflections do more than stir this slumbering soul; they set my heart on fire.”- Vijaya Bodach

When an art curator is looking to do a new exhibit there are many factors to take into account.  Whatever the subject matter, there are always hundreds or even thousands of choices to fill the space that is limited by the size of the gallery. The curator must choose only the best pieces of art to display…Michael [Seagriff]has been curating only the best Eucharistic quotes and reflections for many years.…As with most master curators, Michael Seagriff does all the work and we get the benefit!.. I highly recommend Stirring Slumbering Souls: 250 Eucharistic Reflections. It has been a blessing to me and I am certain it will be for you as well.” – Tony Agnesi

“So moving, so much potential to impact hearts. There should be copies in every Adoration Chapel as well as in every home.” - Kathy Kreinheder

About the Author: He is a Lay Dominican, retired attorney and Administrative Law Judge who has also served as the coordinator of a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel and of a prison ministry program. In addition to his eight books, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, The Catholic Sun, Catholic,, Catholic, Catholic Writers Guild Blog, and have published articles he has written. The author has been invited to speak at local parishes and publishes a blog at: You can contact him at or at (315) 510-6787.