Pondering Tidbits of Truth - February 27, 2020

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. St. Peter Julian Eymard "This is your mission, O Adorers: to weep at the feet of Jesus despised by His own friends, crucified in so many hearts, abandoned in so many places; to console the Heart of so tender a Father, Whom the devil, His enemy, has robbed of His children. A Eucharistic prisoner, He can no longer go after lost sheep, the prey of ravenous wolves. Your mission is to beg forgiveness for the guilty; to ransom them from divine mercy, which needs willing hearts as substitutes; to become victims of propitiation with the Savior Jesus, Who no longer able to suffer since His resurrection, will suffer in you an through you." (From In The Light of the Monstrance ) Father Donald Haggerty "The danger is quite real that souls habituated to constant technological stimuli will never be silent with themselves, ...