Eucharistic Reflection - Adore Well
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"To adore well we must, above all, talk to our Lord; He will answer us. Everybody can talk to our Lord. Is He not in the Eucharist for everybody? Does He not tell us, 'Come ye all to me'? This conversation which goes on between the soul and our Lord is the true eucharistic meditation, that is, adoration.
The grace of it is given to everybody. Go to our Lord as you are.
Exhaust your own stock of piety and of love before resorting to books;
cherish the inexhaustible book of humble love. It is all very well to
have a devotional book with you to regain control of yourself in case the
mind wanders or the senses grow drowsy, but remember that the good Lord
prefers the poverty of your heart to the most sublime thoughts and affections
borrowed from others.
Always begin your adoration, therefore, with an act of love, and bringing your soul under the action of God will be a joy. If you begin with yourself, you will stop half way; or if you begin with any virtue other than love, you are taking the wrong road.
Then speak to Love Itself; speak to Jesus of His heavenly Father Whom He
loves so much; speak to Him of the tasks He has undertaken for His
Father's glory, and you will gladden His Heart and He will love you all
the more. Speak to Jesus of His love for all men; that will make His Heart and yours expand with happiness and joy. Speak to Jesus of His holy mother whom He loves so much, and you will renew in Him the happiness of a good Son. Speak to Him of His saints so as to glorify His grace to them. The real secret of love is, therefore, to forget oneself like Saint John the Baptist so as to exalt and glorify the Lord Jesus.
Our Lord will thus be pleased with you and will speak to you of yourself. He will tell you His love for you, and your heart will open under the rays of this Sun, just as a flower, dampened and chilled by night, opens under the rays of the luminary of day.
Before leaving the presence of the divine Master, thank Him for His reception of love. Beg forgiveness for your distractions and irreverences. Offer Him a homage of fealty a flower of virtue, a nosegay of little sacrifices. Then leave the church as if were the Cenacle; leave our Lord's presence like the angel who takes his flight from the throne of God to carry out His divine commands."
(St. Peter Julian Eymard from In The Light of the Monstrance)