Worth Revisiting - Wake Up Slumbering Souls! Wake Up!

Thank you Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for hosting Catholic bloggers at Worth Revisiting . It is a privilege for us to share our work with you and your readers . Here is my contribution: Monday Musings - Wake Up Slumbering Souls! Wake Up! (Originally posted on November 5, 2018) [The sad reality of our times is that so very few of us love God as we ought and as He deserves. For the most part, He remains abandoned and ignored as a prisoner in the tabernacles of His Churches. It is my hope that by sharing the Introduction from my most recent book, Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections , hearts will be changed and more of us will re-discover and treasure a greater reverence and appreciation for the Gift of our Lord's Presence here among us]: Have you ever loved someone so much that you could hardly wait to hear from them, speak w...