Monday Musings - The Real Jesus

[One of the one hundred thought-provoking and faith-stirring quotations you will find in Pondering Tidbits of Truth - Volume 3.] 

"The real Jesus was radically counter-cultural and unbelievably attractive. He had crowds following up and down the shore of the Sea of Galilee to listen to him speak, sometimes for several days. They would carry their loved ones on stretchers for miles, just to bring them into his presence. At his word, "Come, follow me!" men would leave their livelihoods, their families, and all they knew to accompany Him, not having any clue where he was heading.

(Photo©Michael Seagriff)
Once the idea that Jesus is a warm cuddly bear, who basi­cally loves us so much that He indulges all our vices with a benign shrug of the shoulders, is replaced by the Jesus who loves us so much that He was crucified to save us from those vices, who overturns tables when we're being abused by money-changers, and who tells us to pluck out eyes and cut off hands if they lead us to sin, then it's easier for us to understand how Jesus would be challenging us with love to live in the truth today."
(Father Roger Landry  from Joyful Witness - How to be an Extraordinary Catholic by Randy Hain)