
Showing posts from October, 2018

Worth Revisiting - Our Lady of the Rosary, Adoration and My Friend Mike

Thank you Allison Gingras at  Reconciled To You   and Elizabeth Riordan at  Theology Is A Verb   for  hosting Catholic bloggers at  Worth   Revisiting . It is a privilege for us to share our work with you and your readers . Hope you enjoy this: Our Lady of the Rosary, Adoration and My Friend Mike  (Originally posted on October 7, 2014) (Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) On October 7, we celebrate the memorial of our Lady of the Rosary, instituted by Pope Pius V. He attributed the naval victory over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 to the Blessed Mother's intercession after the Christian world sought her aid through the Rosary. The Nashville Dominicans provide an interesting summary of this miraculous event and of Pius V. I encourage you to read their article here .  As a Lay Dominican, I have come to treasure the rosary, contemplating the richness of its mysteries every day. But I also have a...

Eucharistic Reflection - Don't Abstain From This Medicine

(Image Resource: Wikimedia Commons ) “In this Sacrament [Holy Communion] past sins are forgiven, strength is given against temptations, the passions are quelled, temptations are lessened, true devotion is stimulated, faith is strengthened, hope is confirmed, weakness is made strength, charity is inflamed, and the recipient is made a sharer in the merits of Christ and given a pledge of everlasting life.  This is the Bread that strengthens the heart of a man, sustains the traveler, raises the fallen, strengthens the weak, arms the strong, gladdens the sorrowful, arouses the lukewarm, awakens the slothful, cures the sick, and is the common remedy for all needs. It is all things to all men and no one, however unworthy he feels, should abstain from this medicine if he wishes to be cured.” (Ven. Louis of Granada, O.P. from Summa of the Christian Life )

Monday Musings - The Most Powerful Weapon In The Hands of Man

“When combined with the pure contemplative prayer of the rosary meditations, the Hail Mary becomes the most powerful weapon ever placed in the hands of man – a weapon which, through God and his most Blessed Mother, will someday change the face of the earth.” (The Rosary Priest - Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton from Champions of the Rosary )

Worth Revisiting - It's One or the Other - Not Both

Thank you Allison Gingras at  Reconciled To You   and Elizabeth Riordan at  Theology Is A Verb   for  hosting Catholic bloggers at  Worth   Revisiting . It is a privilege for us to share our work with you and your readers : It's One or The Other - Not Both (Originally posted on May 30, 2015) (Art Work of Marge Hendry-Photo©Michael Seagriff) “No one can live continually in sin and continue to say the Rosary: either they will give up sin or they will give up the Rosary.”           (Bishop Hugh Doyle)

Eucharistic Reflection - There Is Never A Lack of Grace

"The Eucharist is of infinite virtue and power because it contains Christ, who is the source and font of grace, which is communicated to us through the infinite merits of His passion. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) Therefore, the better the preparation for Communion, the more the grace that is conferred. One who goes to get water from the sea will get as much water as the size of his vessel can hold. As far as the ocean is concerned, there will never be a lack of water, but there will be less water received on account of the smallness of the container. The same happens with those who approach the Eucharist, which is a sea of divine grace." (Ven. Louis of Granada, O.P. From Summa of the Christian Life )