Worth Revisiting - Thank You For Coming!

It is a privilege each week to share one of my posts with Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb as part of their Worth Revisiting promotion. Here is a chapter from my book, I Thirst For Your Love : Thank You For Coming! Tabernacle - St. Vincent Ferrer Parish - NYC When I entered this world, my Blessed Mother and her most chaste spouse, Joseph, welcomed Me with loving arms, eyes and hearts. A choir of heavenly angels surrounded and serenaded us! My heart leaped for joy when the humble shepherds came and paid Me homage. I smiled! We waited. But none of the religious, political or social leaders bothered to visit. They never thought to look for Me. I cried! Even today, centuries after my arrival, most of them rarely think of Me. I cry! Then the foreign dignitaries came. They had left their country in search of the Truth, not knowing on their departure, exactly Where, What or Who t...