Worth Revisiting - Hearts Have Grown Cold

T hank you Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Reardon for hosting Worth Revisiting each week. Please visit them regularly at Reconciled to You and Theology is a Verb , respectively. May you find the following post worthwhile: I wish to share this post with you: Monday Musings - Hearts Have Grown Cold (Originally posted on March 6, 2017) Our world, country and Church are in turmoil - all because we have turned our backs to God. We think we know better than He. So prideful and self-centered have we become that we treat Him far too often as an unnecessary outdated crutch whom only weak and fearful people need. We prefer instant earthly pleasure rather than deferred eternal joy. We want to impose our will on Him rather than conforming ours to His. But it is not too late to allow Him to change our hearts and to lead us into His eternal embrace. But we must make that choice. He will not force Himself on us, not even on His priests. The way back i...