Worth Revisiting- Praying Before the Tabernacle
Another Wednesday and another opportunity to thank Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan for their weekly invitation to re-post our favorite posts on Worth Revisiting. Go there now (and every Wednesday) and let an interesting group of Catholic bloggers nourish you in your Faith journey. V isit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb during the rest of each week. You will enjoy your visit. Here's a brief reflection: Monday Musings - Praying Before the Tabernacle (Originally published on January 14, 1917) (Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) "I think there was a certain Bishop Curtis who said that when he prayed before the tabernacle he liked to picture himself as a faithful and devoted dog lying at his master’s feet. Both are glad to have each other; both are silent. It is a rather unusual way of looking at the matter but it strikes home. Prayer is not in words only. It is also in tears ...