Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 9, 2017

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Francis Joseph Sheed

"I cannot say how often I have been told that some old Irishman saying his rosary is holier than I am with all my study. I daresay he is. For his own sake, I hope he is. But if the only evidence is that he knows less theology than I, then it is evidence that would convince neither him nor me. It would not convince him, because all those rosary-loving, tabernacle-loving old Irishmen I have ever known (and my own ancestry is rich with them) were avid for more knowledge of the Faith. It does not convince me because while it is obvious that an ignorant man can be virtuous, it is equally obvious that ignorance is not a virtue; men have been martyred who could not have stated a doctrine of the Church correctly, and martyrdom is the supreme proof of love: yet with more knowledge of God they would have loved Him still more." 

(From Theology for Beginners)

C. Lopez Pardo

"Life is passing. We are constantly coming across people from the most varied walks of life. What a lot remains to be done...How many words still have to be spoken...Certainly we have to start by doing (cf Ats 1:1); but then, too, we have to speak; each ear, each heart, each mind has its own moment, its friendly voice that can call it out of its slough of despondency, and encourage it to rise out of its present state of unhappiness.

If we love God, we cannot fail to feel the reproach of the days that pass, of the people (often so close to us) who pass by, ungreeted, unhailed...without our being able to do whatever it was that was needed, without our even knowing how to say what we should have said."

(From On Life and Death

Venerable Pope Pius XII 

"God lets Himself be seen by those who are able to see Him because they have the eyes of their soul open. Everyone has eyes, but the eyes of some are blinded as it were in darkness and they cannot see the light of the sun. But the light of the sun does not cease to shine simply because these sightless ones fails to see it; rather is this darkness due to their inability to see."

(From Encyclical, Humani generis)